Sunday 27 September 2015

List of GA Questions Asked in IBPS RRB Online Exam 2015 Held On: 27-09-2015 (Evening Shift)

List of GA Questions Asked in IBPS RRB Online Exam 2015
Held On: 27-09-2015 (Evening Shift)

 Name the Yoga Express train? – Haridwar Mail
2)     Name the Capital of Uzbekistan? - Tashkent
3)     Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) maximum amount? - Rs. 5000
4)     International Day of Peace observed on? - 21 September
5)     'Dhanchayat' - an educational film made by which bank ? -HDFC
6)     Mettur Dam is located on which river?- Kaveri River, Tamil Nadu

7)     Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) premium ?- Rs. 12 per year

Minimum amount one need to open PMJDY Account? – Zero
9)     Currency of Hungary? - Hungarian Forint
10)Joshna Chinappa is related to which sport? – Squash
11)RBI received how many applications for small finance banks? – 72
12)RBI fines 16 banks for what purpose? - For non-adherence of the Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Laundering guidelines
13)Minimum Amount of Kisan Vikas Patra? - Rs. 1000
14)Winner of Wimbledon Mix Doubles 2015? - Leander Paes and Martina Hingis
15)Mahila bank headquarter located at? -New Delhi
16)Name the Author of “30 Women in Power: Their Voices, Their Stories”? - Naina Kidwai
17)Jeevan jyoti premium amount? - Rs. 330 per year
18)Government planned to raise Solar power project production to? - 1 lakh MW to 2022
19)Government has put compulsion of PAN on above 1 lakh gold purchase due to? - Money Laundering
20)Rock garden is build by?- Nek Chand
21)Name the Cabinet Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises?-Kalraj Mishra
22)Common Wealth Games 2022 will be held at? - Durban, South Africa
23)Name the Mobile App which was launched by SBI in partnership with Accenture and Mastercard?- SBI Buddy

GA Questions Asked IBPS RRB Assistant - 27 September 2015 (morning shift)

GA Questions Asked IBPS RRB Assistant - 27 September 2015 (morning shift)
1)Minakshi Temple located at - Madurai, Tamil Nadu
2)For WiFi connections, Indian Railways made contract with - Google
3)New Home Secretary in place of LC Goyal? - Rajiv Mehrishi
4)Argentina's Currency - Peso
5)Corpus of Under the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) - Rs 50,000 cr
6)Britains longest-reigning aritocrat - Queen Elizabeth II
7)Sukriti Kanya Yojana Maximum limit per year - Rs. 1.5 Lakhs
8)International Cricket Council (ICC) chairman ? - Narayanaswami Srinivasan
9)Fine on companies without women director announced by SEBI - Rs 50,000
10)“Niryat Bandhu@Your Desktop” lauched by - Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT)
11)Total Control Debit Card launched by - Axis Bank
12)LIBOR -London Inter Bank Offered Rate
13)FDI for white label ATM (WLA). - 100%
14)Egypt Capital - Cairo
15)US Open winner in Men's category - Novak Djokovic
16)Origin of Bhramhaputra river - Chemayungdung
17)Chillr App is launched by - HDFC
18)"A tale of two cities" Author- Charles Dickens
19)Full Form of GIFT - Gujarat International Finance Tec-City
20)Small banks minimum capital - Rs. 100 crore
21)Asia's largest river -Yangtze
22)World Water Day - March 22
23) LAF - Liquidity adjustment facility

imp schemes

1. Mid Day Meal – 15 August, 1995
2. Education For All – 1990
3. Operation Black Board – 1987-88
4. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan – 2000-01
5. National Literacy Mission – 5 May, 1988
6. National Council of Education Research and
Training – 1
September, 1961
7. First Open University in India – Andhra
Pradesh Open
University in 1982 (now renamed as Dr. B. R.
Open University).
8. Number of Open Universities in India – 14
(1 National and
13 State Open Universities)
9. First Open University in World – United
Kingdom (U. K) in
10. International Education Commission –
11. Indra Gandhi National Open University –
15 September,
12. All India Council for Technical Education –
in November, 1945 first as an advisory body
and later on in
1987 given statutory status by an Act of
13. National Education Day – It is celebrated
on 11
November every year in the memory of India’s
First Union
Minister of Education, Dr. Maulana Abul Kalam
14. Central Advisory Board of Education –
Established in
1920 as an advisory body of the Government
but it was
abolished in 1923. In 1935, it was again
15. Kothari Commission (1964-66) –The
started its work on October, 1964 and
submitted its report
on 29 June, 1966. The commission setup
follows 12 task
forces and 7 working groups.
16. Central Institute of Educational Technology
– 1984
17. District Primary Education Programme –
18. Educational Media Research Centre – 1983
19. Educational Research and Innovation
Committee – 1974
20. National Assessment and Accreditation –
21. National Adult Education Programme – 2
October, 1978
22. National Council of Teacher Education –
autonomous status 1993
23. Rehabilitation Council of India Act – 1992,
amended on
24. Regional college of Education – 1984
25. Wechsler Adult Education Scale – 1955
26. Wechsler Children Education Scale – 1949
27. Right To Information – October, 2005.
28. International Literacy Day proclaimed by
29. Indian coastal areas experienced Tsunami
disaster –
30. Programme of Action – 1992.

Saturday 26 September 2015

Important Financial Organizations & their foundation

Important Financial Organizations & their foundation
1955: Industrial credit and Investment Corporation India Ltd (ICICI)
1962: Deposit Insurance Corporation
1963: Agricultural Refinance Corporation
1964: Unit Trust of India
1964: Industrial Development Bank of India
1969: National Institute of Bank Management
1971: Credit Guarantee Corporation
1978: Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (The DIC and CGC were merged and renamed as DICGC)
1982: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
1982: Export-Import Bank of India
1987: Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research
1988: Discount and Finance House of India
1988: National Housing Bank
1990: Small Industries Development Bank of India
1994: Securities Trading Corporation of India
1995: Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Limited
1996: Institute for Development & Research in Banking Technology
2001: Clearing Corporation of India Limited
2008: National Payments Corporation of India

Important International Boundary Lines

Important International Boundary Lines
1. McMahon Line : between India and China
2. Durand Line : Pakistan and Afghanistan
3. Radcliffe Line : India and Pakistan
4. 49th Parallel : USA and Canada
5. Alpine Line : Italy and France
6. Oder Niesse Line : Germany and Poland
7. Mannerheim Line : Russia an Finland
8. Maginot Line : France and Germany
9. 38th Parallel : North Korea and South Korea
10. Line of Control : It divides Kashmir between India and Pakistan

Father of Nation

Father of Nation:
Afghanistan — Ahmad Shah Durrani
Argentina — Don José de San Martín
Australia — Sir Henry Parkes
Bahamas —Sir Lynden Pindling
Bangladesh — Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
Bolivia — Simón Bolívar
Brazil — Dom Pedro I and José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva
Burma — Aung San
Cambodia — Norodom Sihanouk
Chile — Bernardo O'Higgins
Republic of China — Sun Yat-sen
Colombia — Simón Bolívar
Sweden — Gustav I of Sweden
Croatia — Ante Starčević
Cuba — Carlos Manuel de Céspedes
Dominican Republic — Juan Pablo Duarte
Ecuador — Simón Bolívar
Ghana — Kwame Nkrumah
Guyana — Cheddi Jagan
Haiti — Jean-Jacques Dessalines
India — Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Indonesia — Sukarno
Iran — Cyrus the Great
Israel — Theodor Herzl
Italy — Victor Emmanuel II
Kenya — Jomo Kenyatta
Republic of Korea — Kim Gu
Kosovo — Ibrahim Rugova
Lithuania — Jonas Basanavičius
Macedonia — Krste Misirkov
Malaysia —Tunku Abdul Rahman
Mauritius — Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam
Mexico — Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
Mongolia — Genghis Khan
Namibia — Sam Nujoma
Netherlands — William the Silent
Norway — Einar Gerhardsen
Pakistan — Mohammad Ali Jinnah
Panama — Simón Bolívar
Peru — Don José de San Martín
Portugal — Dom Afonso Henriques
Russia — Peter I of Russia
Saudi Arabia — Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia
Scotland — Donald Dewar
Serbia — Dobrica Ćosić
Singapore — Lee Kuan Yew
Slovenia — Primož Trubar
South Africa — Nelson Mandela
Spain — Fernando el Católico
Sri Lanka — Don Stephen Senanayake
Suriname — Johan Ferrier
Tanzania — Julius Nyerere
Turkey — Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
United Arab Emirates — Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan
United States — George Washington
Uruguay — José Gervasio Artigas
Venezuela — Simón Bolívar
Vietnam — Ho Chi Minh

List of GA Questions Asked in IBPS RRB Online Exam 2015 26-09-2015(Both Shifts)

List of GA Questions Asked in IBPS RRB Online Exam 2015
Held On:
26-09-2015(Both Shifts)
World Wildlife Day observed on? - 3 March
2) Name the Chairman of International Cricket Council? - N Srinivasan
3) Name the Person to whom Award of Bangladesh Liberation War Honour was conferred to? -Atal Bihar Vajpayee
4) Shane Watson is related to which sports? – Cricket
5) Base Rate is decided by whom? - Individual Banks
6) Minimum balance can be maintained in PMJDY? – Zero
7) Arundhati Roy belongs to which state? – Meghalaya
8) Who won the Logo competition for the New Education Policy? - Nawaj Shaikh
9) Who created Rock Garden of Chandigarh? - Nek Chand
10)After how many years the World Hindi Conference was organised in 2015? - 32 Years
11)CIBIL is a three digit number which ranges between? - 300-900
12)First country who legalize euthanasia for the children of any age? –Belgium
13)Who launched Contactless multi-currency forex cards? - Axis Bank
14)Name the Chairman of the 7th Pay Commission? - Ashok Kumar Mathur
15)Name the currency of Tajakistan ? - Tajikistani Somoni
16)Name the First Woman Director of DRDO? - J. Manjula
17)BRICS Bank will start lending from which year? – 2016
18)Who was Adesh Srivastav? - Music Director
19)Chairperson of NHRC appointed by the? – President
20)Upper Pension limit in Atal pension yojna? – 5000
21)World Yoga Day? - 21st June
22)IRDAI headquarter located at? – Hyderabad
23)Dr Sarvepalli Radakrishnan birthday? - 5th September
24)Nellore space center? - Satish Dhawan Space Center
25)Name the country where World Hindi conference held?– India
26)What is the upper age limit in PMJJY? – 50
27)Name the Author of ‘Making India Awesome’? - Chetan Bhagat
28)FMC is going to merge with whom? – SEBI
29)Committee head of UCBs? - R. Gandhi
30)Bajarang Kumar related to? – Wrestling
31)Italian Grand Prix 2015 won by? - Lewis Hamilton
32)Machu Picchu is the heritage site located in? – Peru
33)India's first Fully Automated Locker Facility is provided by? – ICICI
34)Name the first English newspaper of India? - Bengal Gazette
35)Name the Oldest Stock Exchange of the world?- Amsterdam Stock Exchange
36) Name the chairman of the 20th Law Commision? - Justice AP Shah
37)World Photography Day? - 19th August
38)GPS stands for? - Global Positioning System
39)The appointment of the Banking Ombudsman is done by ?– RBI
40)CEO of Volkswagen who recently resigned from the post amid controversies? - Martin Winterkorn
41)Name the Current ICC President?- Zaheer Abbas


•Sound is produced due to vibration of different objects.
• Sound travels as a longitudinal wave through a material medium.
• Sound travels as successive compressions and rarefactions in the medium.
 • In sound propagation, it is the energy of the sound that travels and not the particles of the medium.
 • Sound cannot travel in vacuum.
• The change in density from one maximum value to the minimum value and again to the maximum value makes one complete oscillation.
• The distance between two consecutive compressions or two consecutive rarefactions is called the wavelength, λ.
• The time taken by the wave for one complete oscillation of the density or pressure of the medium is called the time period, T.
• The number of complete oscillations per unit time is called the frequency (n), n = 1/ T .
 • The speed v, frequency n, and wavelength λ, of sound are related by the equation, v = nλ.
• The speed of sound depends primarily on the nature and the temperature of the transmitting medium.
• The law of reflection of sound states that the directions in which the sound is incident and reflected make equal angles with the normal to the reflecting surface and the three lie in the same plane.
• For hearing a distinct sound, the time interval between the original sound and the reflected one must be at least 0.1 s.
 • The persistence of sound in an auditorium is the result of repeated reflections of sound and is called reverberation.
 • Sound properties such as pitch, loudness and quality are determined by the corresponding wave properties. • Loudness is a physiological response of the ear to the intensity of sound.
• The amount of sound energy passing each second through unit area is called the intensity of sound.
• The audible range of hearing for average human beings is in the frequency range of 20 Hz – 20 kHz.
• Sound waves with frequencies below the audible range are termed “infrasonic” and those above the audible range are termed “ultrasonic”. • Ultrasound has many medical and industrial applications.
• The SONAR technique is used to determine the depth of the sea and to locate under water hills, valleys, submarines, icebergs, sunken ships etc.

1. Explain how sound is produced by your school bell.
Answer: When the bell continues to move forward and backward, it creates a series of compressions and rarefactions. In this  way a bell produce the sound .

2. Why sound waves are called mechanical waves?
Answer: Sound waves need the material medium to vibrate and propagate. Hence, these waves are known as mechanical waves. Sound waves propagate through a medium because of the interaction of the particles present in that medium. 

3.Suppose you and your friend are on the moon. Will you be able to hear any sound produced by your friend?
Answer: Sound needs a medium to propagate. Since there is no material medium on the moon due to absence of atmosphere, you cannot hear any sound on the moon.

4.Which wave property determines (a) loudness, (b) pitch?
Answer:  (a) Amplitude of sound wave determines the loudness of a sound. The amplitude of a sound directly proportional to amplitude of wave. If the amplitude of a sound is large, then the sound produced will also be loud. 
(b) Frequency of sound wave determines the pitch of a sound . The pitch of a sound is proportional to its frequency. High pitched sounds have high frequency

5.Guess which sound has a higher pitch: guitar or car horn?
Answer: The frequency of the vibration of a sound produced by a guitar is greater than that produced by a car horn. As we know that the pitch of a sound is directly proportional to its frequency, the guitar has a higher pitch than a car horn.

6. What are wavelength, frequency, time period and amplitude of a sound wave? 
Answer: Wavelength: The distance between two consecutive compressions or two consecutive rarefactions  is known as the wavelength. Its SI unit is metre (m).
Frequency: The number of oscillations produced by vibrating body in one second is known as the frequency of a sound wave. It is measured in hertz (Hz). 
Amplitude: The maximum height reached by the crest or trough of a sound wave is called its amplitude.

7.How are the wavelength and frequency of a sound wave related to its speed?
Answer: Speed of sound wave is product of wavelength and frequency of a sound wave 
Speed ( v) = Wavelength × Frequency = ν λ
Calculate the wavelength of a sound wave whose frequency is 220 Hz and speed is 440 m/s in a given medium.
Frequency of the sound wave, v = 220 Hz Speed of the sound wave, v = 440 m/ s 
Speed = Wavelength × Frequency 
Wavelength of a sound wave = Speed of the sound wave/ Frequency of the sound wave 
= 440 m/s ÷ 220 Hz = 2m
Hence, the wavelength of the sound wave is 2 m.

8.A person is listening to a tone of 500 Hz sitting at a distance of 450 m from the source of the sound. What is the time interval between successive compressions from the source?
Answer: You know that the time taken to complete two successive compressions or two consecutive rarefactions is called the time period of the wave.
Time period of the wave = 1/Frequency Hence, time period is reciprocal of the frequency of the wave
Now, Time period of the wave=1/500=0.002 second

9. Distinguish between loudness and intensity of sound.
Answer: a) Intensity of sound waves is defined as the average energy transported per second per unit area perpendicular to the direction of propagation.
b) It is measured in Js-1m-2 or Wm-2.
c) The intensity of sound in air depends on the square of the frequency and the square of the amplitude.
a) The loudness of sound is defined as the degree of sensation of sound produced in the ear
b) The loudness of a sound depends on its amplitude.
c) The amplitude of a sound decides its intensity, which in turn is perceived by the ear as loudness.

10. In which of the three media, air, water or iron, does sound travel the fastest at a particular temperature?
Answer: The speed of sound depends on the nature of the medium. Sound travels the fastest in solids. Its speed decreases in liquids and it is the slowest in gases. Therefore, for a given temperature, sound travels fastest in iron.

11. An echo returned in 3 s. What is the distance of the reflecting surface from the source, given that the speed of sound is 342 m/s ?
Answer: Speed of sound, v = 342 m/ s Echo returns in time, t = 3 s
Distance travelled by sound = v × t = 342 × 3 = 1026 m
In the given time interval, sound has to travel a distance that is twice the distance of the reflecting surface and the source.
Hence, The actual distance of the reflecting surface from the source =1026/2=513m

12. Why are the ceilings of concert halls curved?
Answer: Since, concert halls are big, so audience at the back rows of the hall may not hear clear sound of speaker. To overcome this problem, the ceiling of the concert halls is made concave. Concave ceiling helps the sound wave to reflect and send to farther distance which makes the concert hall enable to send clear sound to the audience even sitting in back rows of hall.
13. What is the audible range of the average human ear?
Answer: 20 Hz to 20000 Hz
14. What is the range of frequencies associated with
(a) Infrasound
(b) Ultrasound
Answer:  a) Infrasound: Less than 20 Hz (b) Ultrasound: More than 20000 Hz
15. A submarine emits a SONAR pulse, which returns from an underwater cliff in 1.02 s. If the speed of sound in salt water is 1531 m/s, how far away is the cliff ?
Answer:To return the SONAR pulse back, its wave has to travel two way.
Here, given,
Velocity (v) of sound wave = 1531m/s
Time (T) = 1.02 s
Thus, Distance = speed X time
Distance=1531 ms^(-1)×1.02 s=1561.62 m

So,the distance between the source and reflecting surface=1561.62÷2=780.81m

Friday 25 September 2015

Airport Authority of India Recruitment 2015

Airport Authority of India Recruitment 2015
 Junior Executive Posts.

An official notification is out from the AAI, Airport Authority of Indiaregarding the recruitment of various Junior Executive Posts. AAI is inviting online application from all Eligible Indian Candidates for filling up these Junior Executive posts. Total Number of vacancies which are going to fill up under this AAI Recruitment process are 398.
t is a good opportunity for all the interested candidates who are looking for government jobs in Airline Department & are eligible to apply for these Various Executives Posts in AAI. All Interested Eligible Candidates are required to submit the application Form online to the concerned website address of the department on or before 13th October 2015.

For more information related to Educational Qualification, Age criteria and other Eligibility required under this AAI Recruitment process read the below article carefully. Also must read the official advertisement in detail before applying.

Organization Name: AAI, Airport Authority of India

Profile Name: Junior Executive Posts.

No. of Vacancies: 398

Post-wise Details:
1.Junior Executives (Electronics):198 Posts
2.Junior Executives (Air Traffic Control):200 Posts

Pay Band: Rs. 16,400 – 40,500/- .
Educational Eligibility: Candidate should have done Graduation/Degree in required discipline or should have its equivalent qualification. Check official Advertisement for complete detail.

Process for Applying: Candidates have to submit the dully filled application form online through their official website on or before 13th October 2015. You can also apply from the given link below.

Starting Date to apply –8th August 2015
Last Date to apply –13th October 2015

For Full Detail for Junior Executives (Electronics): CLICK HERE
For Full Detail for Junior Executives (ATC): CLICK HERE
For Official Link CLICK HERE

Thursday 24 September 2015


1.penchant‬ [penchant(preference,झुकाव)]
2)‪itinerary  ‬[I'ti-nu-(ru-)ree(travel plan,यात्राविवरण)]
3)rescinded‬  [ri'sind(cancel officially,रद्द करना)]
4)unprecedented‬  [,ún'pre-si,den-tid(new,अभूतपूर्व)]
5) ALERT (সতর্কতা):- ⇨ Watchful
6) ASCEND (আরোহণ করা):- ⇨ Mount
7) ATTEMPT (প্রচেষ্টা):- ⇨ Try
8) AUGUST (আগস্ট):- ⇨ Dignified
9) AWAKENED (প্রবুদ্ধ):- ⇨ Waken
10) BARE (বেয়ার):- ⇨ Uncovered
11) Barren (অনুর্বর):- ⇨ STERILE
12) BRIEF (সংক্ষিপ্ত):- ⇨ Short
13) BROWSE (ব্রাউজ):- ⇨ Examine
14) CANDID (স্পষ্টবক্তা):- ⇨ Frank
15) CANNY (মিতব্যয়ী):- ⇨ Clever
16) COMBAT (যুদ্ধ):- ⇨ Fight
17) COMMENSURATE (তুল্য):- ⇨ Proportionate
18) CONSEQUENCES (ফলাফল):- ⇨ Results
19) CORPULENT (মাংসল):- ⇨ Obese
20) CORRESPONDENCE (চিঠিপত্র):- ⇨
21) DEBACLE (ছত্রভঙ্গ):- ⇨ Collapse
22) DEIFY (দেবতুল্য করা):- ⇨ Worship
23) DESTITUTION (নি: সঙ্গতা):- ⇨ Poverty
24) DILIGENT (পরিশ্রমী):- ⇨ Hard-working
25) DISTANT (বহুদূরবর্তী):- ⇨ Far
26) DISTINCTION (পার্থক্য):- ⇨ Different
27) DIVERSION (বেষ্টনী):- ⇨ Deviation
28) ECSTATIC (ভাবাবেশকর):- ⇨
29) EMBEZZLE (আত্মসাৎ করা):- ⇨
30) ENTIRE (সমগ্র):- ⇨ Whole
31) ERROR (ত্রুটি):- ⇨ Blunder
32) EXTRICATE (মুক্ত করা):- ⇨ Free
33) FAKE (জাল):- ⇨ Imitation
34) FEEBLE (দুর্বল):- ⇨ Weak
35) FORAY (হানা):- ⇨ Maraud
36) FRUGALITY (সংযম):- ⇨ Economy
37) FURORE (উন্মাদনা):- ⇨ Excitement
38) GARNISH (আভরণ):- ⇨ Adorn
39) GARRULITY (গল্পপ্রি়তা):- ⇨
40) GERMANE (যথাযথ):- ⇨ Relevant
41) GRATIFY (পরিতৃপ্ত করা):- ⇨ Indulge
42) HARBINGER (অগ্রদূত):- ⇨ Forerunner
43) HESITATED (দ্বিধান্বিত):- ⇨ Paused
44) IMPROMPTU (উপস্থিতমত):- ⇨ Offhand
45) IMPROVEMENT (উন্নতি):- ⇨ Betterment
46) INDICT (অভিযুক্ত করা):- ⇨ Accuse
47) INEBRIATE (মাতাল):- ⇨ Drunken
48) INEXPLICABLE (অবক্তব্য):- ⇨
49) INFAMY (অখ্যাতি):- ⇨ Dishonour
50) INFREQUENT (বিরল):- ⇨ Rare
51) INSOLVENT (দেউলিয়া):- ⇨ Bankrupt
52) INSOMNIA (অনিদ্রা):- ⇨ Sleeplessness
53) INTIMIDATE (ভয় দেখান):- ⇨ Frighten
54) IRONIC (বিদ্রূপাত্মক):- ⇨ Disguisedly
55) KEN (KEN):- ⇨ Knowledge
56) LAMENT (পরিতাপ):- ⇨ Complain
57) LAUD (গুণকীর্তন):- ⇨ Praise
58) Lover of art (চারু ও কারু কলা
প্রেমিকা):- ⇨ CONNOISSEUR
59) LYNCH (জনতার রায়ে
দোষীসাব্যস্ত ব্যক্তিকে শাস্তি
বা মৃত্যুদণ্ড দেওয়া):- ⇨ Kill
60) MASSACRE (গণহত্যার):- ⇨ Slaughter
61) MASTERLY (সুনিপুণ):- ⇨ Waken
62) MAYHEM (মারামারি):- ⇨ Havoc
63) MELD (মেশানো):- ⇨ Merge
64) MENDACIOUS (মিথ্যাবাদী):- ⇨
65) MOROSE (বিশুষ্ক):- ⇨ loomy
66) MOVING (চলন্ত):- ⇨ Shifting
67) NEUTRAL (নিরপেক্ষ):- ⇨ Unbiased
68) PIOUS (ধার্মিক):- ⇨ Devout
69) PONDER (চিন্তা করা):- ⇨ Think
70) PRECARIOUS (নিরাপত্তাহীন):- ⇨
71) PRESTIGE (প্রতিপত্তি):- ⇨ Name
72) Quarrelsome (খাণ্ডার):- ⇨
73) RABBLE (জনতা):- ⇨ Mob
74) RANT (গলাবাজি):- ⇨ To preach
75) RECKLESS (উদ্দাম):- ⇨ Rash
76) REFECTORY (ভোজনকক্ষ):- ⇨ Dining
77) REPEAL (বাতিল):- ⇨ Cancel
78) REPERCUSSION (প্রতিক্রিয়া):- ⇨
79) RESCUE (রেসকিউ):- ⇨ Help
80) RESTRAINT (সংবরণ):- ⇨ Restriction
81) SALACITY (কামুকতা):- ⇨ Indecency
82) SHALLOW (অগভীর):- ⇨ Superficial
83) SHIVER (শিহরণ):- ⇨ Tremble
84) STRINGENT (কঠোর):- ⇨ Rigorous
85) STRINGENT (কঠোর):- ⇨ Strict
86) SYNOPSIS (সারসংক্ষেপ):- ⇨
87) TACITURNITY (অল্পভাষিতা):- ⇨
88) TEPID (কুসুম কুসুম গরম):- ⇨ Warm
89) TIMID (ভীরু):- ⇨ Shy
90) TORTURE (নির্যাতন):- ⇨ Torment
91) TRANSIENT (অস্থায়ী):- ⇨ Fleeting
92) TURN UP (উজ্জ্বলতর করা):- ⇨ Show up
93) UNCOUTH (অমার্জিত):- ⇨ Rough
94) UNITE (ঐক্যবদ্ধ):- ⇨ Combine
95) VENT (VENT):- ⇨ Opening
96) VENUE (স্থান):- ⇨ Place
97) VORACIOUS (অতিশয় লোভপূর্ণ):- ⇨
98) WARRIOR (যোদ্ধা):- ⇨ Soldier
99) WARY (সতর্ক):- ⇨ vigilant
100) WRETCHED (হতভাগ্য):- ⇨ Poor
101) ZANY (বোকা লোক):- ⇨ Clown
102)entrenched‬ [in'trencht(establish,मजबूत स्थिति बनाना)]
103)exacerbate‬  [ig'za-su,beyt(make worse,बिगाड़ देना)]
‪104)vulnerable‬  [

105)‪trivial‬  [tree-vee-ul(unimportant,तुच्छ)]‪106)parlance‬  [paa-lun(t)s(manner of speaking,बोली)]

‪107.sabotaging‬       ['sa-bu,taazh(destroy,खत्म)]
‪108.cataclysmic‬      [,ka-tu'kliz-mik(destructive,विनाशक)]
‪109.grotesque‬         [grow'tesk(ugly,विकृत)]
‪110.peril   ‬               [pe-rul(risk,जोखिम)]
‪111.rampant   ‬        [ram-punt(uncontrolled,अनियंत्रित रूप से)]
‪‎112.exhorted‬          [ig'zort(force,inspire,दबाव डालना)]
‪‎113.adequate‬         [a-di-kwut(enough,पर्याप्त)]
‪‎114.concomitant‬     [kón'kó-mi-t(u)nt(subsequent,following,सलंग्न)]