Monday 26 October 2015

12 self study question with answer--14

Question 1
If tan = 3/4, then find the value of 

It's '2/9 '
As Tan x = 3/4
⇒ Sin x = 3/5
⇒ Cos x = 4/5
Putting these value 
Question 2
A certain sum of money doubles itself in 7 years, in how many years can it become 32 times of itself?

It's '35 '
If any sum of money becomes “n” times in “y” years, then it will become “nx” in xy years. So, 7 × 5 = 35 years as 25 = 32
Question 3
A and B can finish a piece of work in 10 and 15 days respectively. A starts working alone and B joins him after 5 days. In how many days will the total work be completed?

It's '8 '

A and B does 3 and 2 units of work in a day respectively. So in 5 days, A does 15 units of work.
Remaining work of 15 units will be done in  = 3 days.
So, total days = 5+3 = 8 days.
Question 4
Direction: Find the odd word /number/letter from the given alternatives.
Find the Odd one out

It's 'GHEF '
In all others, 2nd letter is one letter behind the first one and fourth letter is one ahead of third letter.
Question 5
Which is different from others?

It's 'Rice '
Excluding Rice, which is a kharif crop, all others are Rabi crops.
Question 6
Direction: Find the odd word /number/letter from the given alternatives.
In a language JUNGLE is coded as UJNGEL, then how will BANDID be coded?
  None of these

Question 7
Direction: Fill in the blanks with appropriate alternative.
Does anyone know who this gift is.......................?

It's 'for '
Question 8
Have you put the chicken ________ the grill yet?

It's 'on '
Question 9
Can he help her ........... that heavy box?

It's 'with '
Question 10
From which of the following the words justice in the form of social, economic and political justice in preamble has been taken
  French Revolution
  Russian Revolution
  German Revolution
  American Revolution

It's 'Russian Revolution '
Question 11
Mahatma-Life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is written by
  Harish Mehta
  DG Tendulkar
  Pradeep Kumar
  GN Nayar

It's 'DG Tendulkar '
Question 12
In which of the following is the office of the Leader of the opposition
  Directive principles
  Rules of the house
  Constitution of India
  A separate Parliamentary Statute

It's 'A separate Parliamentary Statute '

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