Thursday 17 September 2015



1. 1. Which of the following polymers of glucose is stored by animals? 
(i) Cellulose (ii) Amylose (iii) Amylopectin (iv) Glycogen

2. Which of the following is not a semisynthetic polymer?
 (i) cis-polyisoprene (ii) Cellulose nitrate (iii) Cellulose acetate (iv) Vulcanised rubber

3. The commercial name of polyacrylonitrile is ______________. 
(i) Dacron (ii) Orlon (acrilan) (iii) PVC (iv) Bakelite

4.Which of the following polymers, need atleast one diene monomer for their preparation? 
(i) Dacron (ii) Buna-S (iii) Neoprene (iv) Novolac

5. Which of the folloiwng are characteristics of thermosetting polymers?
 (i) Heavily branched cross linked polymers. (ii) Linear slightly branched long chain molecules. (iii) Become infusible on moulding so cannot be reused. (iv) Soften on heating and harden on cooling, can be reused.

6. Which of the following polymers are thermoplastic? 
(i) Teflon (ii) Natural rubber (iii) Neoprene (iv) Polystyrene

7. Which of the following polymers are used as fibre? 
(i) Polytetrafluoroethane (ii) Polychloroprene (iii) Nylon (iv) Terylene

8. Which of the following are addition polymers?
 (i) Nylon (ii) Melamine formaldehyde resin (iii) Orlon (iv) Polystyrene

9. Which of the following polymers are condensation polymers? 
(i) Bakelite (ii) Teflon (iii) Butyl rubber (iv) Melamine formaldehyde resin

10.Which of the following monomers form biodegradable polymers? 
(i) 3-hydroxybutanoic acid + 3-hydroxypentanoic acid (ii) Glycine + amino caproic acid (iii) Ethylene glycol + phthalic acid (iv) Caprolactum

1.(iv) Glycogen 
2.(i) cis-polyisoprene 
3.(ii) Orlon (acrilan)
4.(ii) Buna-S & (iii) Neoprene 
5. (i) Heavily branched cross linked polymers. & (iii) Become infusible on moulding so cannot be reused.
6.(i) Teflon & (iv) Polystyrene
7.(iii) Nylon & (iv) Terylene
8.(iii) Orlon & (iv) Polystyrene
9.(i) Bakelite & (iv) Melamine formaldehyde resin
10.(i) 3-hydroxybutanoic acid + 3-hydroxypentanoic acid & (ii) Glycine + amino caproic acid 

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