Thursday 29 October 2015

12 self study question with answer--21

Question 1
In an examination, 600 boys and 800 girls appeared. If 30% of boys and 40% of girls passed the exam, then what percent of students failed? (Nearest integer)

It's '64 '
No. of boys who passed = 30% of 600 = 180
No. of boys who failed = 600-180 = 420
No. of girls who passed = 40% of 800 = 320
No. of girls who failed = 800-320 = 480
Total failed students = 420+480 = 900
Percentages of failed students =  = 64.2~64%
Question 2
If A is more than B by 45% and B is less than C by 20%, then what is the ratio of C:A?

It's '25:29 '
Let B = 100, then A = 145
And C =  = 125
C:A = 125:145 = 25: 29
Question 3
A certain sum of money becomes 4 times in 2 years at SI per annum. In how many years can it become 25 times of itself?

It's '16 '
Let P = Rs. 100. So, after 2 years, amount A = Rs. 400.
SI = A-P = 400-100 = Rs.300.
Now money to become 25 times, SI should be Rs. 2400.
As in 2 years SI is Rs. 300, so for SI to be Rs. 2400, time required is 16 years.
Question 4
If W represents ‘×’, X represents ‘÷’, Y represents ‘+’ and Z represents ‘-‘, then the value of 3 W 7 Z 2 Y 8 X 4?

It's '21 '
3 W 7 Z 2 Y 8 X 4
= 3 × 7-2+8 4
21-2+2 = 21
Question 5
If 69#42 = 4; 84#61 = 3, then 19#31 = ?

It's '7 '
69#42 = > 96/24 = 4
84#61 = 48/16 = 3
Similarly, 19#31 = 91/13 = 7
Question 6
From the alternatives select the group which is most similar to the question group.
Question Group: [13, 17, 23]
  [11, 19, 27]
  [2, 17, 29]
  [31, 37, 57]
  [2, 7, 81]

It's '[2, 17, 29] '
All the numbers in the group are prime numbers.
Question 7
Direction: Fill in the blanks with correct alternative.
Raja went to zoo last Sunday. He saw _____ animals there.
  a many
  very much

It's 'many '
Question 8
Your team has _______ time left.
  a little
  a few

It's 'a little '
Question 9
Last night a musical show happened in GBL College. Do you know _______ of those singers who performed there?

It's 'any '
Question 10
What of the following line connects the points on a map that receive equal amounts of rainfall?

It's 'Isohyet '
Question 11
The first Indian Institute of Management was established in?

It's 'Kolkata '
Question 12
Which of the following state is the largest producer of the golden coloured 'Muga' silk in the world?

It's 'Assam '

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