Monday 26 October 2015

10 self study question with answer--16

Question 1
Which of the following is known as the “Pearl City”?

It's 'Tuticorin '
Tuticorin is known as "Pearl City" due to the pearl fishing carried out in the town. It is a commercial seaport which serves the inland cities of Southern India and is one of the sea gateways of Tamil Nadu.
Question 2
A nautical mile is equal to ______.
  5060 feet
  9280 feet
  7060 feet
  6076 feet

It's '6076 feet '
nautical mile is a unit of distance that is approximately one minute of arc measured along any meridian. By international agreement it has been set at about 6,076 feet.
Question 3
Which planet has largest planetary magnetosphere in the solar system?

It's 'Jupiter '
The magnetosphere of Jupiter is the largest planetary magnetosphere in theSolar systemJupiter’s magnetosphere is stronger than Earth’s by an order ofmagnitude and its magnetic moment is approximately 18,000 times larger.
Question 4
Big Bang theory explains _______.
  Origin of Universe
  Origin of Sun
  Laws of physics
  None of above

It's 'Origin of Universe '
Big Bang theory explains origin of universe. It was formulated and proposedby the Belgian astronomer and cosmologist "Georges Lemaitre".
Question 5
The hottest planet is _______.

It's 'Venus '
The hottest planet in our solar system is Venus.
Question 6
What is the International Date Line?
  It is the equator
  It is the 0 degree longitude
  It is the 90 degree east longitude
  It is the 180 degree longitude

It's 'It is the 180 degree longitude '
The International Date Line (IDL) is an imaginary line of longitude on the Earth's surface located at about 180 degrees east (or west) of the Greenwich Meridian.
Question 7
Days and Nights are equal throughout the globe when the sun is above _______.
  Tropic of cancer
  Tropic of Capricorn

It's 'Equator '
Equator is imaginary line on the Earth's surface equidistant from the North Pole and South Pole, dividing the Earth into the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere.
Question 8
The approximate circumference of the Earth is ______.
  13000 km
  20000 km
  25000 km
  40000 km

It's '40000 km '
The circumference of the Earth is 40,075 km.
Question 9
Which of the following country is the most populous country?
  Sri Lanka

It's 'China '
China, a communist nation in East Asia is the world’s most populous country. Its vast landscape encompasses grassland, desert, mountain ranges, lakes, rivers and 14,500km of coastline.
Question 10
Which one of the following is not a plantation crop?

It's 'Sugrcane '
Plantation crop refers to monoculture crops which are cultivated on an extensive scale over a large. Because of their large size, a plantation can takeadvantage of economies of scale.

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