Wednesday 4 November 2015

Parts of the Body Affected by Diseases

  • Arthritis : Joints
  • Asthma : Bronchial Muscles
  • Cataract : Eyes
  • Diabetes : Pancreas
  • Diptheria : Throat
  • Eczema : Skin
  • Glaucoma : Eyes
  • Goitre : Thyroid Gland
  • Jaundice : Liver
  • Leukemia : Blood
  • Malaria : Spleen
  • Meningitis : Brain and Spinal Cord
  • Etitis : Ears
  • Paralysis : Nerves
  • Pneumonia : Lungs
  • Polio : Legs
  • Pyorrhoea : Teeth and Gums
  • Rheumatism : Joints
  • Sinusitis : Inflammation of sinus linings
  • Tonsillitis : Tonsils
  • Trachoma : Eyes
  • Tuberculosis : Lungs
  • Typhoid : Intestines

Important Information about Human Body

  • Biggest Organ : Liver
  • Hear Beat :72 times in a minute
  • Master Gland : Pituitary
  • Number of Bone : 206
  • Number of Muscles : 525
  • Number of chromosomes: 46 or 23 pairs
  • Normal Blood Pressure : 80 to 120
  • Teeth : 32
  • Volume of Blood : About 7 litres in normal body or about 7% of the total body weight.
  • Largest ;Part of human Brain : Cerebrum

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