Sunday 20 December 2015

How to read NCERT Books for civil services exam

There are two ways to read NCERT books for IAS Preparation.

First method to read NCERT BOOKS for Exam-Read all books class wise .In this method you have to read all books from specific class and after completing them then proceed to next class and in same way to next class.

Example-Start from class 6 NCERT books then read and complete all subjects history,geography,civics(political science) and science after completing all subjects move to next class (class 7)and again read all subjects of class 7 ncert books.

Second method to read NCERT BOOKS for Exam preparation-Read NCERT books subject wise. In this method you have to first complete any one subject from any class then move to next class and read same subject which you have read in previous class.

Example-Start from class 6 take any subject  for example science then complete it and after reading science book move to next class 7 and read same subject (Science) and after completing it move to next class and again choose science subject. After completing whole NCERT science book read another subject in same way.

Which way is the best to read NCERT BOOKS for UPSC civil services exam (IAS) ???

After reading NCERT books many times from my personal experience and some experience from others .In my opinion Second method is the best to read NCERT books for IAS Exam. So choose the second method-Read NCERT books subject wise.

Why second method is best way to read NCERT BOOKS for UPSC civil services exam ???

Read NCERT BOOKS subject wise for exam preparation-You will swim with flow. If you read NCERT books subject wise you will understand subject easily and your basic knowledge gets more stronger in any subject .In contrast if you read NCERT books by first method that is class wise you will get less knowledge because this method create gap between the same subject .

To understand the above question understand the simple logic
More time (more gaps between the same subject) =more memory loss (in first method)
Less time (No gap between same subject)=more memory(in second method)

From the above discussion 

1.Start IAS preparation from class 6 NCERT BOOKS
2.Take any subject of your interest.
3.Complete all chapters from that subject in targeted time frame .
4.Pick same subject which you have chosen in previous class.Apply the same process as mentioned in step 3
5.Then in the same way reach to the class 12 and complete on subject
6.Start the above process with another subject in same way.

How many NCERT books you have to read for IAS Preparation?

If you read history,geography,political science,and science then you have to read around 40 to 44 NCERT Books for civil services exam preparation.


If you read NCERT BOOKS with full concentration then you will cover it in two to three months(2-3 months).If not with much focus and concentration it will take too much of time may be 4-6 months (four to six months).

Why I am saying it will take two months to three months not one month ?

Because you have to read around 44 NCERT BOOKS even if you complete one book in one day it will take more than one month.

Can you complete one book in one day (one science book contain about 14-16 chapter) ???
Note-Time depends on your hard work, concentration and caliber.

How to complete NCERT BOOKS for IAS preparation???

1.Make a time table-Write to do list
2.First write down how much time you have to complete it .
3.Then make to do list (for topics and subjects) for one month.
4.The break this one month to do list in one week and then in day
5.In this way you will achieve more in less time.

If you have any other question just put you message or comment in comment box ,it will help others also .

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