Friday 19 February 2016


1) Which of the following Rajput dynasties did
not surrender to Akbar
(a) Parmar
(b) Pratihara
(c) Rathor
(d) Sisodiya
2. Which amidst the following was not a fort of the Maratha ruler Shivaji?
(a) Sindhudurg
(b) Raigad
(c) Amber
(d) Padmadurg
3. Which Sikh Guru was executed by Aurangzeb?
(a) Guru Arjun Dev
(b) Guru Ram Das
(c) Guru Teg Bahadur
(d) Guru Gobind Singh
4. Which Muslim ruler was keen to have friendly
relations with the Rajputs
(a) Akbar
(b) Humayun
(c) Babar
(d) Aurangzeb
5. Which of the following rulers had the title
(a) Kumaragupta
(b) Chanragupta
(c) Skandagupta
(d) Samudragupta
6. Who among the following Indian rulers established embassies in foreign countries on modern lines
(a) Tipu sultan
(b) Mir Quasim
(c) Haider Ali
(d) Shah Alam II
7. Nav Ratnas (nine gems) were the famous personalities associated with the court of:
(a) Chandra Gupta II
(b) Harshavardhana
(c) Narasimsha Varman
(d) Samudra Gupta
8. Who pursued the policy "Blood and Iron"
(a) Balban
(b) Firuz Tughlaq
(c) Malik Kafur
(d) Alauddin Khilji
9. The main centre or meeting point of Indo-Roman trade in ancient times was
(a) Rome
(b) Calicut
(d) Karaikkal
10. Who built a tomb for Sher Shah at Sasaram
(a) Ibrahim Shah
(b) Islam Shah
(c) Sher Shah
(d) Sikandar Shah
11. The first major inscription in classical Sanskrit is that of
(a) Rudradaman
(b) Chandragupta Vikramaditya
(c) Kanishka
(d) Samudragupta
12. Which ruler went to Sri Lanka to spread Buddhism
(a) Ashoka
(b) Samudragupta
(c) Sanghamitra
(d) Chitragupta
13. Temple architecture was most developed under
(a) Rastrakutas
(b) Pallavas
(c) Pandyas
(d) Cheras
14. In Sanskrit plays written during the Gupta period, women & Sudras speak
(a) Prakrit
(b) Sauraseni
(c) Pali
(d) Sanskrit
15. Sir Thomas Rose visited the court of
(a) Akbar
(b) Jehangir
(c) Shajahan
(d) Aurangazeeb
16. The capital of Mysore during Tipu Sultanats rule was
(a) Bangalore
(b) Devagiri
(c) Coimbatoor
(d) Srirangapattanam
17. Who among the following was a famous astronomer
(a) Bhanabhatta
(b) Vishakadatta
(c) Nagarjuna
(d) Aryabhatta
18. The Hathigumpha inscription (near
Bhubaneshwar, Orissa) relates to the king
(a) Susharma
(b) Hala
(c) Kharavela
(d) Pulamayi
19. Which of the following were the first rulers in
India to issue coins which can be definitely
attributed to the kings
(a) Shakas
(b) Kushans
(c) Indo-Greeks
(d) Parthians
20. Which of the following Shaka king reconstructed the Sudarshana lake
(a) Rudradaman I
(b) Manes
(c) Chastana
(d) Bhumaka21
21. Which language was used in the literature of sangam period
(a) Kannada
(b) Telugu
(c) Tamil
(d) Sanskrit
22. What was the type of marriage in the Vedic
period in which, in place of the dowry, there was
a token bride price of a cow and a bull
(a) Asura
(b) Arsa
(c) Gantharva
(d) Rakshsa
23. At the earlier stage backward classes
movement means
(a) Santal movement
(b) Non-Brahmin movement
(c) Harijan movement
(d) Antirulers movement
24. The large residential university established in
ancient time was at
(a) Cochin
(b) Vaishali
(c) Nalanda
(d) Harappa
25. Which among the following dynasties had the
strongest navy
(a) Chalukya
(b) Chola
(c) Gupta
(d) Pallava
26 .Which of the following Mughal emperors
tomb is outside India
(a) Akbar
(b) Shajahan
(c) Aurangazeb
(d) Jehangir
27 .Which of the following animals was generally
not known to the Indus Valley People
(a) Horse
(b) Rhinoceros
(c) Bull
(d) Cow
28. Alexander the remained in India for ...... months
(a) 24
(b) 32
(c) 19
(d) 28
29 Artists belonged to Gandhara school of art
(a) Grey sand stones
(b) White marbles
(c) Red sand stones
(d) Terra cotta
30 Who was the first ruler of the Pala Dynasty of
(a) Gopala
(b) Devapala
(c) Vigropala
(d) Dharmapala
31 Who introduced first the famous token currency system in India?
(a) Ghiyas-ud-Din Tughlak
(b) Muhamad-bin-Tughlak
(c) Firoz Tughlak
(d) Nasiruddin Muhammad
32 The Chalukya King who had the title of Sri
Prithvi-Vallabha and Parameswara was
(a) Pulakesin I
(b) Maharaja Kirthivarman
(c) Pulakesin II
(d) Mangalesa
33 The Meenahshi temple at Madurai is the monument of
(a) Pallavas
(b) Pandyas
(c) Cholas
(d) Cheras
34 Who amidst the following lived the earliest?
(a) Panini
(b) Asvaghosha
(c) Bhasa
(d) Kalidasa
35 Where is the tomb built by Shahjahan situated?
(a) Red Fort
(b) Taj Mahal
(c) Agra Fort
(d) Sikandara
Ans: A
36 Which one of the following is not depicted on the abacus of the Sarnath Lion Capital of
(a) Deer
(b) Horse
(c) Elephant
(d) Lion
Ans: A
37) In 1717, which Mughal Emperor gave the English East India Company a Firman granting trade privileges in India?
(a) Shah Alam II
(b) Bahadur Shah
(c) Jahandar Shah
(d) Farrukhsiyar
38 The Treaty of Bassein was signed with the British by Peshwa
(a) Madhav Rao
(b) Balaji Baji Rao
(c) Baji Rao I
(d) Baji Rao II
Ans: D
39 Who among the following gave asylum to Zoroastri who fled by sea and by the coastal
route from Persia to Western India in the early 8th century?
(a) Chalukyas
(b) Cholas
(c) Hoysalas
(d) Rashtrakutas
Ans: D
40 The Mughal Empire extended up to Tamil
territory in the South under the reign of
(a) Akbar
(b) Aurangazeb
(c) Jahangir
(d) Shah Jahan
Ans: B
41 The first dynasty of the Vijayanagar Kingdom
(a) Hoysala
(b) Sangama
(c) Saluva
(d) Tuluva
Ans: B
42 Who among the following was the famous ruler of ancient India, who adopted Jain dharma at the last
(a) Chandragupta
(b) Samudragupta
(c) Asoka
(d) Bindusare
Ans: A
43 Which among the following rulers started
Ilahi Calendar in 1583
(a) Babur
(b) Akbar
(c) Shahjahan
(d) Sher Shah
Ans: B
44 Which of the following was not a centre of learning in ancient India
(a) Taxila
(b) Koushambi
(c) Vikramshila
(d) Nalanda
Ans: B
45 Who was the last ruler of the Tughluq dynasty
of the Delhi Sultanate?
(a) Firuz Shah Tughluq
(b) Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq Shah II
(c) Nasir-ud-din Mahmud
(d) Nasrat Shah
Ans: C
46 The founder of the autonomous kingdom of
Avadh was
(a) Shuja-ud-Daula
(b) Saadat Khan Burhan-ul Mulk
(c) Safdarjung
(d) Sher Shah
Ans: B
47 The destruction of the Mauryan Empire was
followed by a series of invasions, and the first
invade India were the
(a) Batrian-Greeks
(b) Parthi
(c) Kushanas
(d) Shakas
Ans: D
48 Who among the following took the title of 'Vikramaditya'?
(a) Chandragupta I
(b) Chandragupta II
(c) Samudragupta
(d) Skandagupta
Ans: B
49 Which dynasty developed Mahabalipuram?
(a) Pallavas
(b) Pandyas
(c) Cholas
(d) Chalukyas
Ans: A
50 Who among the following resisted the British
Ambitions, the maximum?
(a) Mughals
(b) Marathas
(c) Rajputs
(d) Sikhs
Ans: B
51 Two principal monuments of Ala-ud-din Khiliji's reign the Jama'at Khana Masjid and Alai Darwaja were constructed at
(a) Hyderabad
(b) Mysore
(c) Delhi
(d) Agra
52 Who among the following Mugal Emperors
had the longest reign?
(a) Bahadur Shah
(b) Jahandar Shah
(c) Farrukhsiyar
(d) Muhammad Shah
53 The main cause of the conflict between Nawab Sirajuddaulah and the East India Company was that
(a) the British opposed the succession of
(b) the British misused the trade concessions.
(c) the British attacked the French settlement of
Chandranagar in Bengal.
(d) the incident of Black Hole had occurred
54 Which of the following was the physician who
adored Kanishkas court
(a) Vasumita
(b) Charaka
(c) Parsva
(d) Asvaghosha
55 Which of the following king started the Vikram Sanvad
(a) Kanishka
(b) Vikramaditya
(c) Rudradaman
(d) Kadphises
56 Which of the following is a port town of Indus
Valley Civilization
(a) Harappa
(b) Ropar
(c) Banawali
(d) Lothal
57 Chinese pilgrim who visited India during
Harsha Vardhanas period was
(a) Hiuen Tsang
(b) Fa-hien
(c) Itsing
(d) Nishka
58 Who introduced the famous Persian festival of
(a) Alauddin Khilji
(b) Iltumish
(c) Firoz Tughlaq
(d) Balban
59 The Hoysalas capital was
(a) Warangal
(b) Devagiri
(c) Dwarasamudra
(d) Krishnagiri
60 Which rulers built Ellora temple
(a) Chalukya
(b) Rashtrakuta
(c) Pallava
(d) Sunga
61 The literature of the Sangam age was written
mostly in the form of
(a) Prose
(b) Poetry
(c) Drama
(d) All of these
62 Who among the following was a great musician in the court of Akbar
(a) Abdul Fazal
(b) Amir Khusro
(c) Ramdas
(d) Ten
63 Which among the following ports was called
Babul Makkha (Gate of Makkah) during the
Mughal period
(a) Broach
(b) Calcutta
(c) Surat
(d) Calicut
64 The development of architecture was at its
peak during the reign of
(a) Nandas
(b) Cholas
(c) Guptas
(d) Pandyas
65 Who among the following ruler was a famous
(a) Swathi Thirunal
(b) Moolam Thirunal
(c) Marthanda Varma
(d) Sri Chithira Thirunal
66 Who among the following Sult of Delhi had
accepted the suzerainty of the Timurid ruler
Mirza Shah Rukh?
(a) Firuz Tughlaq
(b) Mahmad Tughlaq
(c) Khizr Khan Sayyid
(d) Sikandar Lodhi
67 Who among the following joined Mir Qasim and Shuja-ud-Daula in declaring war upon the English East India Company and was later
defeated by the British at the Battle of Buxar?
(a) Jahandar Shah
(b) Farrukhsiyar
(c) Muhammad Shah
(d) Shah Alam II
68 How did the dynasty of Nizam Shahis of
Ahmadnagar come to an end?
(a) Ahmadnagar was annexed into
Mughal empire and Husain Shah was consigned
to life imprisonment
(b) Mughal troops destroyed Daulatabad fort and
killed Nizam-ul Mulk of Ahmadnagar
(c) Fateh Khan usurped the throne from Nizam-
ul Mulk
(d) Malik Ambar was defeated in a battle with
Mughals in 1631 and the entire royal family was
killed by the Mughal troops
69 Which of the following materials was mainly
used in the manufacture of Harappan seals?
(a) Terra cotta
(b) Bronze
(c) Copper
(d) Iron
70 Which type of ancient script did the Harapp
(a) Pictographic
(b) Linear
(c) Hieroglyphic
(d) Symbolic
71 The relics of Indus Valley Civilisation indicate
that the main occupation of the people was:
(a) Agriculture
(b) Cattle rearing
(c) Commerce
(d) Hunting
72 The ancient name of Bengal was
(a) Kamrupa
(b) Vasta
(c) Gauda
(d) Vallabhi
73 'Charak' was the famous court physician of
(a) Harsha
(b) Chandragupta Maurya
(c) Ashoka
(d) Kanishka
74 The ancient name of North Bihar was
(a) Vriji
(b) Vasta
(c) Surasena
(d) Avanti
75 Where did the traveler Ibn Batuta come from?
(a) Persia
(b) Morocco
(c) Turkey
(d) Central Asia
76 Which among the following is the oldest
(a) Maurya
(b) Gupta
(c) Kushan
(d) Kanva
77 Where was Akbar born?
(a) Delhi
(b) Agra
(c) Amarkal
(d) Kannauj
78 Among the following, one was NOT an ancient
Indian mathematician
(a) Chandra Gupta Maurya
(b) Boudhayana
(c) Bhaskaran II
(d) Sankaravarman
79 Taj Mahal was built by
(a) Akbar the Great
(b) Jahangir
(c) Shah Jahan
(d) Babur
80 Kautilya, the author of Arthasathra was a
contempoary of
(a) Asoka
(b) Samura Gupta
(c) Harshavardhana
(d) Chandra Gupta Maurya
81 The Golden Temple at Amritsar was built by
(a) Guru Nanak
(b) Guru Arjan Dev
(c) Guru Tej Bahadur
(d) Gobind Sing
82 What is history?
(a) Story of the past events
(b) Story of present events
(c) Story of future events
(d) All of them
83 What should a genuine history deal with?
(a) Lives of kings
(b) Lives of masses of people
(c) Lives of feudal lords
(d) All of them
84 What is history made of?
(a) Lives of kings
(b) Battles
(c) Law and order
(d) All of the above
85 What is most important part of history?
(a) Monarchs
(b) Generals who win wars
(c) Common people
(d) Saints and sages
86 Where do we find the remains of Buddhist
(a) Thailand
(b) Sri Lanka
(c) Afghanistan
(d) All of the above
87 What was Burma before its independence?
(a) A part of India
(b) A part of China
(c) A part of Thailand
(d) A part of Malaysia
88 When was the World War fought?
(a) 1915
(b) 1942
(c) Both
(d) Neither
89 Who helped America the most in getting freedom from the British?
(a) Italy
(b) Canada
(c) France
(d) India
90 Who were pilgrim Fathers?
(a) Jew pilgrims to Jerusalem
(b) Hindu pilgrims to Hardwar
(c) First British people going to USA
(d) Indian Buddhists in China
91 Why did Ary come to India?
(a) To find grass for their cattle
(b) To hunt tigers
(c) To drive out Tamils
(d) To conquer land
92 Which Revolution fathered Russian Revolution?
(a) French revolution
(b) American Revolution
(c) Industrial Revolution
(d) All of them
93 Who first built the Grand Trunk Road?
(a) Humayun
(b) Sher Shah Suri
(c) Shahjahan
(d) Jahangir
94 Who is USA's Father of the Nation?
(a) Abraham Lincoln
(b) Washington
(c) Jefferson
(d) Roosevelt
95 Who fought the First World War?
(a) Germany
(b) British
(c) France
(d) All of them
96 Who fought the Second World War?
(a) Hitler
(b) Churchill
(c) Stalin
(d) All of the
97 Which period came first?
(a) British period
(b) Muslim period
(c) Greek period
(d) Hindu period
98 When was Mahatma Gandhi born?
(a) October 2, 1869
(b) October 2, 1901
(c) October 2, 1879
(d) October 2, 1890
99 Who introduced leather coins?
(a) Ibrahim Lodhi
(b) Mohammad Tuglak
(c) Jahangir
(d) Akbar
100 Who introduced paper currency in India?
(a) Hindu Kings
(b) Muslim rulers
(c) The British rulers
(d) The Greek conquerors

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Bahmani and Vijayanagara Kingdoms

Bahmani  Kingdom

  • The decline of the Sulthanate of Delhi gave birth to two mighty states in South India the Bahmani Kingdom of Gulbaraga and the Vijayanagara Empire.
  • The Bahmanis were Muslim rulers, while the rulers of the Vijayanagar were Hindus.
  • The Bahmani kingdom was founded by Zafar Khan (Hassan) who took the title of Alauddin Bahman Shah. He selected Gulbaraga as its capital and renamed itAhsanabad.
  • There were total eighteen Sulthans and they ruled from 1347 to 1527.
  • Muhammed Gawan was the famous minister of Bahmini kingdom.
  • The last prince of the Bahmani Kingdom was Kalimullah.
  • By 1527, the Bahmani kingdom was split up into five independent principalities.
  • The Adil Shahis of Bijapur -founder – Yusuf Adilshah (1489 – 90)
  • The Nizam Shahis of Ahamadnagar – founder – Malik Ahmad (1499)
  • The Imadshahis of Berar – founder -Fateh Ulla Imadshanti (1490)
  • The Qutubshahi kingdom of Golconda – founder – Qutabshah (1512)
  • The Baridshahis of Bidar – founder – Amir Ali Barid (1527).
  • Muhammad Adil Shah built Gol Gumbaz, a tomb with world’s second largest Dome at Bijjapur
  • Muhammad  shah built the city of Hyderabad (Bhagyanagar)
  • Berar stayed out of the Battle of Talikotta

Vijaya Nagara Empire

  • The founders of Vijaya Nagar Empire were Harihara and Bukka Rai, the revenue officers of the Kakatiya ruler Pratap Rudra Deva II of Warrangal.
  • They founded the dynasty in 1336 with the capital as Vijaya Nagara on the banks ofTungbhadra river with the help of Saint Vidyaranya.
  • Vijayanagara kingdom lasted for 230 years and produced four dynasties.
  • Sangama (1336 – 1485)
  • Saluva – (1485 – 1505)
  • Tuluva (1505 – 1565) and
  • Aravidu (1565 – 1672)
  • Krishna Deva Raya (1509 – 1529) belonged to the Tuluva dynasty. The Italian traveller Nicolocont visited his court.
  • Krishnadeva Rayar is known as ‘Andhra Bhoja’ He wrote Ushaparinayam andAmuktamalyada
  • Allasani Peddanna, a Telugu poet was a courtier of Krishna Deva Raya. He is considered as the ‘‘Andra Kavita Pitamaha’’ the Grand Father of Telugu poetry.
  • Ashtadiggajas’ was the famous Scholastic Assembly in the court of Krishna Deva Raya.
Vijayanagar Empire was visited by many foreign travellers:-
  • Nicolo Conti – Venitian traveller, visited during the reign of Devaraya I.
  • Abdur Razzak : Ambassador of Sulthan ShahRukh to the court of Devaraya II.
  • Damingos Paes : He visited Krishna Devaraya’s court.
  • Ferona Nuniz : A Portuguese who visited during Achyuta Raya’s reign.
  • Durate Barbosa : A portuguese who visited Krishnadeva Raya’s court.
  • Athenasius Nikitin (1415) : He was a Russian, who visited during Deva Raya I’s period He wrote, ‘Voyage to India’.

Monday 15 February 2016

Economics Notes on Indian Tax Structure

Notes on Indian Tax Structure

When country or a state legislature enacts a new tax, the debate usually includes some opinions about who should pay for running the government or for the particular program being supported by the tax. A means by which government finance their expenditure by imposing charges on citizens and corporate entitles.
Economists distinguish between those who bear the burden of a tax and those on whom a tax is imposed. Taxes in India are imposed by the Central Government and the state governments. Some minor taxes are also imposed by the local authorities such as Municipality.
According to Indian Constitution, Article 246 distributes legislative powers including taxation, between the Parliament of India and the State Legislature. The Central Board of Revenue or Department of Revenue is the apex body charged with the administration of taxes. It is a part of Ministry of Finance which came into existence as a result of the Central Board of Revenue Act, 1924.
Central Government levies taxes on income (except tax on agricultural income, which the State Governments can levy), customs duties, and central excise and service tax.
State Government levies taxes – Value Added Tax (VAT), Stamp Duty, State Excise, Land Revenue and Profession Tax.
Local bodies are empowered to levy tax on Properties, Octroi and for utilizations like water supply, drainage etc.
In Indian taxation system, system is divided into two taxes – Direct Taxation and Indirect Taxation.
Direct Taxes – In Direct Taxes the burden directly falls on the taxpayer.
  • Income Tax – According to Income Tax Act 1961, every person, who is an assessee and whose total income exceeds the maximum exemption limit, shall be chargeable to the income tax at the rate prescribed in the Financial Act. Such income tax shall be paid on the total income of the previous year in the relevant assessment year.
  • Wealth Tax – Wealth tax, in India, is levied under Wealth-tax Act, 1957. Wealth tax is a tax on the benefits derived from property ownership. The tax is to be paid year after year on the same property on its market value. Chargeability to tax also depends upon the residential status of the assessee same as the residential status for the purpose of the Income Tax Act.
Indirect Taxes
  • Service Tax- It is a tax levied on services provided in India, except the State of Jammu and Kashmir. The responsibility of collecting the tax lies with the Central Board of Excise and Customs. From 2012, service tax is imposed on all services, except those which are specifically exempted under law.
  • Excise Duty –Central Excise duty is an indirect tax levied on goods manufactured in India. Excisable goods have been defined as those defined as those, which have been specified in the Central Excise Tariff Act as being subjected to the duty of excise. There are three types of excise duties:
    1. Basic Excise Duty
    2. Additional Duty of Excise
    3. Special Excise Duty
  • Custom Duty- Custom or import duties are levied by the Central Government of India on the goods imported in India. The rate at which customs duty is leviable on the goods depends on the classification of the goods determined under the customs traffic.
  • Value Added Tax – VAT is a multi-stage tax on goods that is levied across various stages of production and supply with credit given for tax paid at each stage of value addition.

Sunday 14 February 2016

Important Study Notes on Reflection of Light

Study Notes on Reflection of Light

  • Light is a form of energy, which is propagated as electromagnetic wave.
  • It is the radiation which make our eyes able to ‘see the object. Its speed is 3 x 108 m/s. It is the form of energy. It is a transverse wave.
  • It takes 8 min 19s to reach on the earth from the sun and the light reflected from moon takes 28s to reach earth.
  • When light falls on the surface of an object it can either be
  1. Absorbed – If an object absorbs all the light falling on it , then it will appear perfectly black for example a blackboard
  2. Transmitted – An object is said to transmit light if it allows light to pass through itself and such objects are transparent.
  3. Reflected – If an object sends back light rays falling on its surface then it is said to have reflected the light
Reflection of Light
  • When a ray of light falls on a boundary separating two media comes back into the same media, then this phenomenon is called reflection of light.
Reflection from Plane Mirror
  • If an object moves towards a plane mirror with speed v, relative to the object the moves towards it with a speed 2v.
  • To see his full image in a plane mirror, a person required a mirror of at least half of his height.
Spherical Mirror
Spherical mirror are of two types
  1. Concave mirror
  2. Convex mirror
  • Image formed by a convex mirror is always virtual, erect and diminished.
  • Image formed by a concave mirror is generally real and inverted.
Uses of Concave Mirror
  • As a shaving mirror
  • As a reflector for the head lights of a vehicle, search light
  • In ophthalmoscope to examine eye, ear, nose by doctors.
  • In solar cookers.
Uses of Convex Mirror
  • As a rear view mirror in vehicle because it provides the maximum rear field of view and image formed is always erect.
  • In sodium reflector lamp.
Laws of Reflection of light
  1. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, and
  2. The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal to the mirror at the point of incidence all lie in the same plane.
NOTE: These laws of reflection are applicable to all types of reflecting surfaces including spherical surfaces
Refraction of Light
  • The bending of the ray of light passing from one medium to other medium is called refraction. When a ray of light enters from one medium to other medium, its frequency and phase do not change, but wavelength and velocity change. Due to refraction form Earth’s atmosphere, the stars appear to twinkle.
Critical Angle
  • The angle of incidence in a denser medium for which the angle of refraction in rarer medium becomes 90°, is called the critical angle.
Total Internal Reflection
  • Sparkling of diamond, mirage and looming, shinning of air bubble in water and optical Fibre are examples of total internal reflection.

Saturday 13 February 2016

‪#‎First Person in India‬

The first President of Indian Republic : Dr. Rajendra Prasad
The first Prime Minister of free India: Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru
The first Chief Justice of India who became President of India: Justice Mohammad Hidayatullah
The first Indian to win Nobel Prize : Rabindranath Tagore
The first President of Indian National Congress : W. C. Banerjee
The first Muslim President of Indian National Congress : Badruddin Tayyabji
The first Muslim President of India : Dr. Zakir Hussain
The first British Governor General of India Lord : William Bentinck
The first British Viceroy of India : Lord Canning
The first Governor General of free India : Lord Mountbatten
The first and the last Indian to be Governor General of free : C. Rajgopalachari India
The first man who introduced printing press in India : James Hicky
The first Indian to join the I.C.S. : Satyendra Nath Tagore
India’s first man in space : Rakesh Sharma
The first Prime Minister of India who resigned without completing the full term : Morarji Desai
The first Indian Commander-in-Chief of India : General Cariappa
The first Chief of the Army Staff Gen. : Maharaj Rajendra Singhji
The first Indian member of the Viceroy’s executive council : S. P. Sinha
The first President of India who died while in office : Dr. Zakir Hussain
The first Field Marshal of India : S. H. F. Manekshaw
The first Indian to get Nobel prize in Physics : C. V. Raman
The first Indian to receive Bharat Ratna award : Dr. Radhakrishnan
The first Indian to cross English channel :Mihir Sen
The first person to receive Jnanpith award : Sri Shankar Kurup
The first Speaker of the Lok Sabha : Ganesh Vasudeva Mavalankar
The first Vice-President of India : Dr. Radhakrishnan
The first Education Minister : Abul Kalam Azad
The first Home Minister of India : Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
The first Indian Air Chief Marshal : S. Mukherjee
The first Indian Naval Chief Vice Admiral : R. D. Katari
The first judge of International Court of Justice : Dr. Nagendra Singh
The first person to receive Paramveer Chakra : Major Somnath Sharma
The first person to reach Mt. Everest without oxygen : Sherpa Anga Dorjee
The first Chief Election Commissioner : Sukumar Sen
The first person to receive Magsaysay Award : Acharya Vinoba Bhave
The first person of Indian origin to receive Nobel Prize in Hargovind Khurana Medicine
The first Chinese traveller to visit India : Fahein
The first person to receive Stalin Prize : Saifuddin Kitchlu
The first person to resign from the central cabinet : Shyama Prasad Mukherjee
The first foreigner to receive Bharat Ratna : Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
The first person to receive Nobel Prize in Economics : Amartya Sen
The first Chief Justice of Supreme Court Justice : Hiralal J. Kania
The first lady to become “Miss World” : Rita Faria
The first woman judge in Supreme Court : Mrs. Meera Sahib Fatima Bibi
The first woman Ambassador : Miss C. B. Muthamma
The first woman Governor of a State in free India : Mrs. Sarojini Naidu
The first woman Prime Minister : Mrs. Indira Gandhi
The first woman to climb Mount Everest : Bachhendri Pal
The first woman to climb Mount Everest twice : Santosh Yadav
The first woman President of the Indian National Congress : Mrs. Annie Besant
The first woman chief justice of a High Court : Mrs. Leela Seth
The first woman pilot in Indian Air Force : Harita Kaur Dayal
The first woman President of the United Nations General : Mrs. Vijaya Laxmi Pandit Assembly
The first woman Chief Minister of an Indian State : Mrs. Sucheta Kripalani
The first woman chairman of Union Public Service : Roze Millian Bethew Commission
The first woman Director General of Police (DGP) : Kanchan Chaudhary Bhattacharya
The first woman Lieutenant : General Puneeta Arora
The first woman Air Vice Marshal : P. Bandopadhyaya
The first woman chairperson of Indian Airlines : Sushma Chawla
The first woman I.P.S. Officer : Mrs. Kiran Bedi
The first woman to receive Nobel Prize : Mother Teresa
The first woman to receive Bharat Ratna : Mrs. Indira Gandhi
The first woman to receive Jnanpith Award : Ashapurna Devi

Friday 12 February 2016

Medieval History Notes: Delhi Sultanate

Delhi Sultanate

The five dynasties which founded subsequently after the Turkish invasion were collectively known as Delhi sultanate. They are:
  • Slave Dynasty- 1206 – 1290
  • Khilji Dynasty-1290 – 1320
  • Tughlaq Dynasty- 1320 – 1412
  • Sayyid Dynasty- 1414 – 1451
  • Lodi Dynasty-1451 – 1526
Slave Dynasty (1206 – 1290)
  • Slave Dynasty was also called Ilbari Dynasty, Yamini Dynasty or Mamluk Dynasty.
  • Qutub-ud-din Aibak was a slave of Muhammed Ghori and he founded the Slave Dynasty in 1206 AD.
  • Aibak was the first Muslim ruler of India.
  •  The capital of Qutub-ud-din Aibak was at Lahore
  • He was known as ‘Lakh Baksh’ or ‘giver of lakhs’ or ‘giver of favours’ for his magnanimity.
  • Hasan Nizami was a famous historian in the court of the Aibak.
  • Qutub-ud-din Aibak started the construction of Qutub Minar in 1199 in Delhi in memory of the Sufi saint Quaja Qutub – ud-din Bhaktiar Kaki.
  • Its construction was completed by Ithumish. It is a five storied building.
  • Qutub-ud-din Aibak died 1210 by falling from horseback while playing Polo.
  •  After the death of Qutubuddin, Aram Shah ascended the throne but he was deposed by Ilthumish and crowned himself the Sulthan
  • During the period of Ilthumish (1210-1236) Chengizkhan, the Mongole conqueror attacked India (1221).
  • Ilthumish is considered as the real founder of Delhi Sulthanate.
  • Ilthumish was the first Sulthan of Delhi to get recognition of the Khalif of Bagdad.
  • Ilthumish was also the first Sulthan to make Delhi his capital.
  •  He issued a purely Arabic coinage of Silver and was the first to do so.
  • Coins introdued by Ilthumish, ‘Silver Thanka’ and ‘Copper Jital’ were the two basic coins of the Sulthanate period.
  • He organised the ‘Chalisa’ or the famous Turkish forty to help him in the administration.
  • Iltumish completed the construction of Qutub Minar.
  • The revenue system of the Sulthanate ‘Iqta system’, was introduced by Ilthumish.
  • Ilthumish was succeeded by his son Ruknuddin Firoz Shah. But he was later executed and Razia became the sulthan (daughter of Ilthumish)
  •  Sulthana Raziya, the only women ruler of, the Sultanate came to power in 1236 and reigned till 1240. Sulthana Raizya rejected the Pardah, she adorned the male dress and held open courts.
  • In October 14, 1240 both Razia and Altunia who earlier raised arms against Razia but later joined with her were, beheaded at Kaithal.
  • After Raizya Behran Shah (1240 – 42) Allaud-din- Masudshah (1242 – 46) andNaziruddin Muhammad (1246 – 1266) ruled and Balban, the founder of the second Ilban dynasty, became the Sulthan.
  • Ghiasuddin Balban ‘a slave water carreer, huntsman, noble, statesman became the Sulthan of Delhi in 1266 and continued in power till 1686 AD.
  •  Balban is considered as the founder of Second Ilbary Dynasty.
  • Balban described himself as ‘shadow of God’ or the ‘viceregent of God on Earth’ (Zil-i-illahi)
  • Balban because of his autocratic rule is considered as a ‘typical oriental despot’.
  • The Chalisa or forty established by Ilthumish was abolished by Balban.
  •  His policies are considered to be ‘Draconian’.
  •  He started the Iranian system of Sajda and Piabos.
  •  He was a patron of men of letters and showed special favour to the poet Amir Khusrau.
  •  After Balban’s death in 1286, Kayqubad (1287 -90) became the Sulthan.
  •  Madhavacharya of the Dwaita Philosophy got help from Balban.
  •  Balban’s Tomb is situated in Delhi. It was constructed by Balban himself.
  • Kayqubad was the last Slave Sulthan. (Kayumars who ruled for a term of three months was actually the last Slave Sulthan. He was killed by Jalaluddin Khilji) and founded the Khilji Dynasty.

Khilji Dynasty (1290 -1320)

  • Khilji dynasty was founded by Malik Firoz in 1290 and assumed the title Jalaluddin Khilji(1290- 96)
  • In 1292 the Mongols under Abdulla accepted defeat from Jalaluddin Khilji.
  • Alauddin Khilji, the nephew of Jalaluddin Khilji, killed him after his victory on Devagiri in 1296.
  • Alauddin Khilji’s early name was Ali Gurushap.
  •  He became the Sulthan in 1296 AD and ruled till 1316 AD.
  • In 1303 Alauddin Khilji attacked Chittor, the capital of Mewar, to marry Padmini the wife of Chittor king Ratna Singh.
  • But Padmini and other Rajput women committed Juhar (Juhar is a mass suicide by Jumping into fire, committed by Rajput women to escape from being polluted by others)
  • Padmavat is a historical kavya about Padmini episode written by Malik Muhammed Jayasi.
  • Malik Muhammed Jayasi was the court poet of Shersha Suri.
  • Alauddin Khilji was the first Muslim ruler to at- tack South India.
  • Malik Kafur was Alauddin Khilji’s Commander who attacked South India.
  • Alauddin Khilji was the most famous ruler of the Khilji Dynasty.
  • Alauddin was the Sulthan of Delhi who banned the use of liquor.
  • Alauddin had a dream of a World Conquest so he assumed the title ‘Sikhandar-i-sani’ orSecond Alexander.
  • Demitrius a Bactrian ruler is popularly known as Second Alexander.
  • Alauddin abolished the Zamindari System and imposed tax on cattle.
  • He was the first muslim ruler of Delhi to introduce measurement of land for tax assessment.
  • His market regulations were to get goods at controlled price to the people of Delhi.
  • Alauddin Khilji was the first Sulthan of Delhi who separated religion from politics.
  • He was also the first to proclaim ‘‘I am the Khalifa’’.
  • Alauddin constructed Alai Darwaza the gate way of Qutub Minar.
  • He built the city of Siri, the second of the seven cities of Delhi, near Qutub Minar.
  • The first marriage between a muslim ruler and a Hindu princess was between Alauddin and Kamala Devi, the widow of the ruler of Gujarat.
  • Alauddin Khilji was killed by his commander Malik Kafur by poisoning.
  • Amir Khusru was the court poet of Alauddin
  • Amir Khusru is known as the ‘Parrot of India
  • He is considered as the father of Urdu language and the inventor of Sitar.
  • Laila Majnu and Tughlaq Nama are the famous works of Amir Khusru.
  • Alauddin khilji was the first Sulthan to maintain a permanent standing army.
  • Alauddin Khilji was responsible for the introduction of postal system in medieval India.
  • Mubarak shah khilji was the last ruler of the khilji Dynasty.
  • Khilji dynasty came to an end when the Mubarak shah Khilji was killed by Khusrau Khan.
  • Some historians consider Khusrau Khan as the last Khilji Sulthan.

Tughlaq Dynasty (1320 – 1412)

  • Tughlaq Dynasty was founded by Ghiazuddin Tughlaq. His real name was Ghazi Malik.
  • Ghiasuddin Tughlaq founded the dynasty after killing Khuzru Khan in 1320. Ghiazuddin died by the collapse of a pavilion.
  • He built the Tughlaqabad Fort in Delhi the third city of Delhi to the east of Qutub complex.
  • Ghiassudhin Tughlaq was the first Sulthan to start irrigation works.
  • GhiassuddinTughlaq was succeeded by his son Jauna Khan, popularly known asMuhammed Bin Tughlaq.
  • Muhammed Bin Tughlaq is considered as the single most responsible person for the decline of Delhi Sulthanate.
  • Muhammed Bin Tughlaq was known as a mixture of opposites, wisest fool, Pagal padushah, unfortunate idealogue and the predecessor of Akbar in intellectual and religious matters.
  • Ibn Batuta called him ‘‘an illstared idealist’’.
  • He shifted his capital from Delhi to Devagiri (Daulatabad) in 1327.
  • In 1330 he introduced token currency of bronze and copper.
  • Moroccan Traveller Ibn Batuta visited India during his period.
  • Edward Thanas described him as ‘prince of moneyers’.
  • Muhammed Bin Tughlaq was succeeded by his elderly cousin, Firoz Shah Tughlaq.
  • Firoz Shah Tughlaq was the first Sulthan of Delhi to impose Jaziya. It was a religious tax for the freedom of worship. He imposed it only upon Brahmins.
  • He built the city of Firozbad in Delhi. The Firoz shah Kotla was also built by him. The gate way of Firozshah Kottla is Khooni Darwaza, or blood stained gate. It was constructed by Shersha Suri.
  • He transplanted two Ashokan Pillars to Firozabad.
  • He is the author of Fatuhat -i- Firozshahi
  • After Firozshah Tughlaq Muhammed Shah Tughlaq or Naziruddin Muhammed came to the throne.
  • It was during the period of his reign that Timur the Lame or Tamerlain a Turkish conqueror of  Tartar tribe from Samarkhand attacked India in 1398.
  • Timur appointed Khizr Khan, the governor of Multan his authority in India.

Sayyid Dynasty (1414 – 1451)

  • Sayyid Dynasty was founded by Khizr Khan in 1414.
  • Last Sayyid Sulthan was Alauddin Alamshah or Shah Alam I. He was killed by Bahalol Lodhi in 1451.
Other rulers of Sayyid Dynasty
  • Mubarak Shah (1421-1434)
  • Muhammad Shah (1434-1443)
  • Alam Shah (1443-1451)
  • Lodhi Dynasty (1451-1526)

Lodhi Dynasty (1451-1526)

Bahlol Lodhi (1451-1488)
  • He founded the Lodhi dynasty by usurping the throne from the last of the Sayyid rulers.
  • Bahlol belonged to the Shahu Khel clan of the Lodhi Pashtun tribe.
Sikandar Lodhi (1489-1517)
  • He was the son of Bahlol Lodhi.
  • In 1504, he founded the city of Agra and made it his capital.
  • He introduced the Gaz-i-Sikandari
(Sikandar’s yard) of 32 digits for measuring cultivated fields.
Ibrahim Lodhi (1517-1526 AD)
  • He was the last king of Lodhi dynasty and the last Sultan of Delhi.
  • He was the son of Sikandar Lodhi.
  • He was defeated and killed by Babur in the first battle of panipat in 1526 AD