Wednesday 3 February 2016

Daily Word-list from Newspapers (03-02-16)

1. Consecrate – adjective – give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause – अर्पण करना
Synonyms – dedicate, sanctify
Antonyms – desecrate
E.g. Homi Jehangir Babha consecrated his life to science.
2. Enigma – noun – someone or something that is mysterious and difficult to understand पहेली
Synonyms – puzzle, mystery
Antonyms – Clearness, clarity
E.g. To the new detective, the motive of the crime was an enigma.
3. Invincible – adjective – not possible to be defeated or harmed – अजय
Synonyms – unbeatable, indomitable
Antonyms – helpless, affectionate
E.g. Because the drug dealer was extremely arrogant, he thought he was invincible from prosecution.
4. Opinionated – verb – very certain of one’s views or opinions – दुराग्रही
Synonyms – bigoted, prejudiced
Antonyms – open-minded, broad- minded
E.g. The reporter’s opinionated version of the story was completely one-sided.
5. Intrepid – adjective – very brave – निर्भय
Synonyms – brave, courageous
Antonyms – cowardly, afraid
E.g. To be an astronaut, you must be an intrepid person who craves adventure and is not afraid of heights.
6. Superfluous – adjective – more than what is needed – अनावश्यक
Synonyms – excessive, extra
Antonyms – necessary, needed
E.g. In the age of technology, sending letters by postal mail seems superfluous to me.
7. Expound – verb –  to clarify by providing details – समझाना
Synonyms – explain, clarify
Antonyms – complicate, confuse
E.g. The purpose of the author’s second book is to expound the philosophical theories he proposed in his first work.
8. Spur – verb – to motivate an individual or group into action – प्रेरणा
Synonyms – goad, urge
Antonyms – discourage, deterrent
E.g. When the recruiter spoke to the students, he hoped his talk would spur some of the young people into entering the military.
9. Thrive – verb – to do better or increase in number – फलना फूलना
Synonyms – succeed, flourish
Antonyms – fail, struggle
E.g. Mosquitoes tend to thrive in areas with standing water.
10. Abeyance – noun – a state of temporary disuse or suspension – क्षणिक विराम
Synonyms – suspension, pause
Antonyms – continuation
E.g. Due to budget cuts, employer contributions to retirement accounts are being put inabeyance.

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