Monday 8 February 2016

Daily Word-list from Newspapers (07-02-16)

1. Elegiac – adjective – communicating mourning or sorrow – करुणामय
Synonyms – mournful, poetic
Antonyms – joyful
E.g. The elegiac poem brought everyone to tears during the funeral.
2. Litigate – verb – to participate in legal actions – मुकदमा करना
Synonyms – sue, prosecute
E.g. According to the contract, the buyer and seller agree to litigate any differences through a mediator.
3. Mendacity – adjective – lack of honesty – मिथ्यावादिता
Synonyms – untruth, lying
Antonyms – honesty, sincerity
E.g. My daughter’s mendacity with her teacher has kept her grounded for most of the school year.
4. Normalcy – adjective – state of being normal – प्रसामान्यता
Synonyms – normality, balance
Antonyms – abnormality, abnormalcy
E.g. Everything went back to normalcy once the holidays were over.
5. Pallid – adjective – pale skin or lacking in vitality or interest – पीला
Synonyms – pale, wan
Antonyms – florid, sanguine
E.g. This new novel of his is just a pallid remake of the bestseller that made him famous.
6. Punitive – adjective – done as an act of punishment – दण्डात्मक
Synonyms – rewarding, rehabilitative
Antonyms – punitory, disciplinary
E.g. The university is taking punitive actions against the football player who failed his drug test.
7. Redolent – adjective – filled with a scent or odor – सुगन्धित
Synonyms – fragrant, aromatic
Antonyms – odourless, foul
E.g. The candy shop was redolent with the rich smell of chocolate.
8. Staunch – adjective – loyal, trustworthy, reliable, outstanding – कट्टर
Synonyms – steadfast, firm
Antonyms – unreliable, faithless
E.g. The men and women who serve in our military are staunch defenders of our country.
9. Timorous – adjective – frightened – डरपोक
Synonyms – timid, shy
Antonyms – bold, brave
E.g. The timorous soldier ran from his post when he saw the enemy approaching.
10. Agnostic – adjective – unsure about the existence of a god or holy being – संशयवादी
Synonyms – gnostic, believer
Antonyms – heathen, infidel
E.g. If you are skeptical of your religion, you might have become agnostic.

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