Saturday 6 February 2016

Daily Word-list from Newspapers (06-02-16)

1. Arsenal – noun – a place where arms are manufactured – शस्त्रागार
Synonyms – armory, repository
E.g. – India has one of the largest arsenal of weapons in the world.
2. Irk – adjective – annoy; irritate – गुस्सा दिलाना
Synonyms – vex, bother
Antonyms – please, delight
E.g. – The baby’s nonstop crying began to irk me.
3. Gaiety – noun – celebration; partying – हर्षोल्लास का वातावरण
Synonyms – cheer, merriment
Antonyms – sadness, unhappiness
E.g. – The gaiety is in honor of the principal’s retirement.
4. Abode – noun – the place where one resides or lives – निवास स्थान
Synonyms – home, residence
Antonyms – outdoors
E.g. – Lacking a physical abode, the homeless man slept in the park.
5. Esoteric – noun – known about or understood by very few people – गूढ़
Synonyms – secret, cryptic
Antonyms – public, common
E.g. – The medical research was so esoteric that only a few physicians could actually understand the results.
6. Debauchery – noun – A wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity –अय्याशी
Synonyms – corruption, immorality
Antonyms – decency, morality
E.g. – The priest knew nothing about the debauchery surrounding his church’s youth group.
7. Adept – adjective – very good at doing something that is not easy – माहिर
Synonyms – expert, skilful
Antonyms – awkward, inept
E.g. – The salesman was adept at charming customers into spending more than they had planned.
8. Bravado – noun – a show of defiance or courage – साहस प्रदर्शन
Synonyms – bluster, boast
Antonyms – fear, modesty
E.g. – Your show of bravado is misplaced because you should be thinking more about how you got into the situation in the first place.
9. Chronology – noun – the time pattern in which something happens – कालानुक्रम
Synonyms –record, account
E.g. – The detectives sought to create the chronology leading up to the victim’s disappearance.
10. Encomium – noun – speech or piece of writing that warmly praises someone or something – प्रशस्ति
Synonyms – tribute, eulogy
Antonyms – condemnation, criticism
E.g. – After all that Mother Teresa accomplished during her life, she certainly deserves everyencomium that was ever written praising her tireless work for God and humanity.

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