Answer: Lord Dalhousie
Q. 2. Under whom, the Indian railway was in the beginning?|
Answer: Private sector
Answer: Great India Peninsular Railway Company
Q. 4. Some trains were under provinces at the time of independence, when did they merge with Indian railway?
Answer: In 1950
Q. 5. Indian Railway Board was established during whose tenure and when?
Answer: In 1905 during the tenure of Lord Curzon
Q. 6. When did first train service of Indian railway start between Boribundar (Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus) and thane?
Answer: 16April, 1853
Q. 7. With how many passengers and the journey of how many kms. had been completed by the first train of Indian railway from Boribundar to Thane?
Answer: With 400 passengers, this train completed its journey of 34 kms with the help of three engines– Sahib, Sindh and Sultan.
Q. 8. When did Indian railway nationalize?
Answer: In 1950
Q. 9. How many members including chairman are there in railway Board? Answer: Five
Q. 10. When was railway budget separated on the basis of Acworth committee, from the general budget?
Answer: In 1924–25
Q. 11. The rail budget was put to direct relay on the television for the first time on?
Answer: 24 March, 1994.
Q. 12. Which rail minister tabled the budget maximum numbers of time? Answer: Sh. Jagjivan Ram.
Q. 13. To make water available in the train, by what name water was marketed?
Answer: Rail Neer
Q. 14. How much money was earmarked for railway during first five year plan?
Answer: Rs. 423 crore
Q. 15. After independence, which year Indian railway was unable to earn profit in?
Answer: In 1966–67
Q. 16. Where did first computer reservation system start?
Answer: New Delhi
Q. 17. When did the ban on the sale of bidi and cigarettes in trains and on the station impose?
Answer: 5 June, 1999
Q. 18. Where is the biggest railway yard located in India?
Answer:Mughalsarai Junction (UP)
Q. 19. Who was the first railway minister of Independent India?
Answer: John Mathai
Q. 20. Who was the first railway minister to tender his resignation due to rail accident?
Answer: Sh Lal Bahadur Shastri
Q. 21. In New Delhi, when did on line reservation start?
Answer: 3 August, 2002
Q. 22. The first train in India which has been given 150–9001 certificate by Norweian Organisation KVQA for better cleanliness?
Answer: Bhopal Express (Shan-e-Bhopal)
Q. 23. How many Railway zones and Railway divisions are there in India? Answer: 17 Zone and 64 Divisions.
Q. 24. Who heads all the 17 zones in Indian Railway?
Answer: General Manager
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