Friday 5 February 2016

Daily Word-list from Newspapers (04-02-16)

1. Defer – verb – to postpone until later – टालना
Synonyms – postpone, delay
Antonyms – hurry, forge
E.g. – In order to save money for college, John will defer his studies while he works fulltime for a year.
2. Miasma – noun – An unwholesome atmosphere – दूषित वायु
Synonyms – stench, reek
E.g. – The miasma of terrorism can be beaten if all work together globally.
3. Incumbent – Adjective – Currently holding an office – पदधारी
Synonyms – compulsory, necessary
Antonyms –noncurrent, unnecessary
E.g. – The incumbent president of the company is resigning from office so a younger person can take control of the business.
4. Portend – verb – to indicate or give sign of a future occurrence – पूर्वाभास या पूर्वसूचना देना
Synonyms – foretell, indicate
Antonyms – Promising, Oblivious
E.g. – In most cases, a lack of effort does portend failure.
5. Eponymous – noun – a title or name that is derived from another name – व्यक्ति जिसके नाम से किसी रचना का नाम रखा हो
Synonyms – eponymic, onymous
E.g. – Comets are known to bear the eponymous names of their discoverers.
6. Emaciated – adjective – abnormally thin or weak, especially because of illness or a lack of food – कमज़ोर
Synonyms – thin, skeletal
Antonyms – chubby, overweight
E.g. – During the winter, many deer become emaciated and die because of a food shortage.
7. Rebellion – noun – an attempt to replace one form of government with another or an organized act of defiance against authority – विद्रोह
Synonyms – obedience, alliance
Antonyms – revolt, insurrection
E.g. – When the rebellion against the dictator failed, the rebels were beheaded.
8. Interment – adjective – putting a dead body to rest – दफ़न
Synonyms – burial, inhumation
E.g. – The soldier who deserted his comrades in battle was not given interment in a military cemetery.
9. Wrought – adjective – prepared in some manner, usually by hammering – बनाया हुआ
Synonyms – shaped, molded
Antonyms –unformed
E.g. – The wrought metal will soon be used to construct the new bridge.
10. Scorn – adjective – disrespect or disapproval for someone or something – तिरस्कार करना
Synonyms – disdain, ridicule
Antonyms – admire, approve
E.g. – The wealthy often receive the scorn of those who feel they lack opportunity.

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