Saturday 6 February 2016

Daily Word-list from Newspapers (05-02-16)

1. Eclat – noun – great success – अपूर्व सफलता
Synonyms – Acclaim, plaudit
Antonyms – besmirch
E.g. – The company executives achieved éclat by getting their biggest competitor to agree to a merger.
2. Contemplating – adjective – carefully thinking about something – विचार करना
Synonyms – musing, considering
Antonyms – discarding
E.g. – In light of the new evidence, the judge was contemplating a guilty sentence.
3. Defendant – noun – person prosecuted or sued – प्रतिवादी
Synonyms – suspect, accused
Antonyms – complainant, plaintiff
E.g. – They dropped the case because the defendant is not mentally fit to stand trial.
4. Eulogize – verb – to praise, celebrate or pay homage to (someone) – प्रशंसा करना
Synonyms – laud, extol
Antonyms – condemn, criticize
E.g. – The townspeople refused to allow Andy to eulogize the bandit, or to offer any words of comfort.
5. Disabuse – verb – to make aware of the truth – भ्रम निवारण
Synonyms – enlighten, correct
Antonyms – misinform, dupe
E.g. – The minister did everything he could to disabuse his church members about false idols.
6. Impropriety – noun – an inappropriate deed or action – अनौचित्य
Synonyms – wrongdoing, misconduct
Antonyms – decency, properness
E.g. – When the judge learned his impropriety had made the news, he decided to resign from the bench.
7. Menial – adjective – relating to tasks normally performed by a servant – तुच्छ
Synonyms – servile, low
Antonyms – elevated, superior
E.g. – Many illegal immigrants sneak into the country and get hired to do menial farm work.
8. Adherent – noun – a material that sticks to other things or a person who supports a particular party, person, or set of ideas – अनुयायी
Synonyms – devotee, follower
Antonyms – antagonist, opponent
E.g. – Everyone who works at that company is required to be completely adherent to all the terms of the contract.
9. Credentials – noun – attributes that show a person’s or organization’s experience, skill, achievement, or value – परिचय पत्र
Synonyms – certification, proof
E.g. – Until the man claiming to be a police officer shows me his credentials, I will not open the front door.
10. Unbearable – adjective – as unpleasant or painful as to be unendurable –  असहनीय 
Synonyms – intolerable, insufferable
Antonyms – tolerable, sufferable
E.g. – Sitting in court, the tension was simply unbearable.

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