Thursday 29 October 2015

GK Quiz on Polity

Question 1
What is the minimum legal age of marriage for girls in India?
  16 years
  18 years
  21 years
  23 years

It's '18 years '
Prohibition of Child Marriage Act states that a girl in India can't marry before the age of 18 and a boy before 21.
Question 2
Who is the chairman of the Rajya Sabha?
  The President
  The Vice-President
  The Prime Minister
  The Speaker

It's 'The Vice-President '
The Vice President shall act as President in the absence of the President due to death, resignation, impeachment or other situations. The Vice President of India is also ex officio Chairperson of the Rajya Sabha.
Question 3
Which one of the following provisions of the Indian Constitution deals with the appointment and dismissed of the Council of Ministers?
  Article 70
  Article 72
  Article 74
  Article 75

It's 'Article 75 '
Article 75 states that the President appoints the Prime Minister and on his advice, other Ministers in the Council are appointed by the PresidentThe Ministers hold office during the pleasure of the President.
Question 4
How many spokes are there in the Dharma Chakra (Ashok) depicted on the National Flag of India?

It's '24 '
The Ashoka Chakra is a depiction of the dharmachakra represented with 24 spokes. It is so called because it appears on a number of edicts of Ashokamost prominent among which is the Lion Capital of Ashoka.
Question 5
What is the National Flower of India?

It's 'Lotus '
Lotus botanically known as the Nelumbo Nucifera is the national flower of India. The Lotus plant has floating leaves and flowers. It has long aeratedstems.
Question 6
The speaker’s vote in the Lok Sabha is called ________?
  Casting Vote
  Sound Vote
  Direct Vote
  Indirect Vote

It's 'Casting Vote '
Though a member of the House, the Speaker does not vote in the Houseexcept on those rare occasions when there is a tie at the end of a decision. Till date, the Speaker of the Lok Sabha has not been called upon to exercise this unique casting vote.
Question 7
Salaries of the Judges of the Supreme Court are determined by ______?
  Pay commission appointed by the President
  Law Commission
  Council of Ministers

It's 'Parliament '
Article 125 of the Indian Constitution leaves it to the Indian Parliament to determine the salary, other allowances, leave of absence, pension etc. of the Supreme Court judges. However, the Parliament cannot alter any of these privileges and rights to the judge's disadvantage after his appointment.
Question 8
Which Article of the Constitution of India accords special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir?

It's '370 '
Article 370 of the Indian constitution is a law that grants special autonomous status to Jammu and Kashmir. The article is drafted in Part XXI of the Constitution, which relates to temporary, transitional and special Provisions.
Question 9
“Cabinet” means _________?
  All Ministers in the Government
  Ministers with Cabinet Rank
  Cabinet Minister and their Secretaries
  Minister of State

It's 'Ministers with Cabinet Rank '
Union Cabinet is the supreme decision-making body in India. Only the Prime Minister and ministers of the rank of "Cabinet Minister" are members of the Cabinet.
Question 10
Who appoints the Union Public Service Commission?
  Chief Justice of India
  Selection Committee

It's 'President '
The Chairman and other members of the UPSC are appointed by thePresident of India. At least half of the members of the Commission are Civil Servants (working or retired) with minimum ten years of experience either in Central or State service.

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