Wednesday 28 October 2015

10 self study question with answer--20

Question 1
Direction: In the following questions, four alternatives are for the given. Fill in the Blanks with the correct alternative.
_____ had I left my home when she called me on my cell. (SSC CHSL 2014)
  as soon as

It's 'hardly '
With the word hardly, Past perfect tense is used.
Question 2
The future of our country does not look too good, but there isn't much ______. (SSC CHSL 2014)
  I can’t do about it
  I can make about it
  I can do about it
  Can I do about it

It's 'I can do about it '
There is affirmative word order. We should be careful not to use double negative.
Question 3
His business hasn't taken off well, ____, he’s happy that customers are increasing. (SSC CHSL 2014)

It's 'nonetheless '
Nonetheless means despite that, however.
Question 4
Your jacket is dirty, I don't think it will _____ for the wedding. (SSC CHSL 2014)

It's 'do '
It will do here means that it will be satisfactory.
Question 5
Ujjwal hasn't met the new secretary yet, and _____ . (SSC CHSL 2014)
  nor I have
  neither I have
  neither have I
  I have also

It's 'neither have I '
Here 'neither/nor/so' and matching auxiliaries are used to express similarity between two (or more) people's actions.
Question 6
_______ at the party doesn't bother me. (SSC CHSL 2014)
  what did you see
  that you saw
  which you saw
  what you saw

It's 'what you saw '
‘What you saw' is the grammatical subject of this sentence.
Question 7
The girl I was about to meet _____ play a very vital role in my life. (SSC CHSL 2014)
  would get to
  is going to
  will go to

It's 'would get to '
Here future in the past is discussed. So ‘will’ becomes ‘would’.
Question 8
Have you seen the film _____ Shah Rukh Khan saves the world from the aliens? (SSC CHSL 2014)
  in which
  in that

It's 'in which '
‘In which' is used when introducing a relative clause to avoid ending the sentence with a preposition (in).
Question 9
Ankit is rather upset these days. Why _____ him round? (SSC CHSL 2014)
  to invite
  will you invite
  not invite
  shouldn’t invite

It's 'not invite '
'Why not + bare infinitive' is used to make suggestions.
Question 10
Her forefather’s house ______ pulled down just before she was born. (SSC CHSL 2014)
  had been
  has been
  had already been

It's 'had been '
It is past perfect passive sentence. So had been + past participle will be used.

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