Monday 12 October 2015

10 self study question with answer--6

English Quiz on One word Substitution

Question 1
Direction: In the following questions, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given wo . . . Read More > >
The worship of idols or images.

It's 'Idolatry'
Question 2
Something that is poisonous or unhealthy.

It's 'Toxic '
Question 3
A remedy for all diseases.

It's 'Panacea '
Question 4
A hater of mankind.

It's 'Misanthrope'
Question 5
Irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks.

It's 'Dipsomania '
Question 6
A small picture or model –

It's 'miniature'
Question 7
Killing of a whole race –

It's 'Genocide'
Question 8
An old unmarried woman –

It's 'Spinster '
Question 9
That which cannot be corrected –

It's 'Incorrigible'
Question 10
Undue favour shown to one’s relative

It's 'Nepotism'

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