Thursday 8 October 2015

answer of exam --1

1.(c) proximal convoluted tubule
2.(c) proximal convoluted tubule
3.(b) nephron
4.(d) glucose.
5.(b) ammonia in tadpole and urea in adult frog
6.(a) active transport
7.(c) not be affected at all
8.(b) collecting duct
9.(a) hypotonic
10.(a) CO2 and ammonia
11.(c) Ornithine cycle
12.(c) nephron
13.(a) anuria
14.(b) length of Henle’s loop
15.(a) ornithine cycle
16(d) the urine will be more dilute
17.(d) ketones.
17.(d) ketones.
18.(c) 20 mm Hg
19.(c) CO2 and ammonia
20.(d) liver cells
21.(c) less urea in his urine
22. B Nephron 
23.B Liver
24.A Cortex
25.D Urethra 
26.C Carbon dioxide 
27.D Urea 
28.B Ureters
29.A In the liver but eliminated mostly through kidneys
30.C Loop of Henle
for explanation click here

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