Monday 5 October 2015


1. Topple – Remove a person or a Govt from power

Ex – The disagreement had threatened to topple the government.
Syno – Overthrow, Oust, Depose, Overturn

2. Salient – Most important points or facts

Ex – He read the salient facts quickly.
Syno – Important, Main, Principal, Major

3. Locus – A particular place or position where something happens or the most important area

Ex – Barcelona is the locus of Spanish industry.
Syno – Central area, Centre

4. Mitigate – To make something less unpleasant, serious, painful

Ex – Those are the ways of mitigating the effects of an explosion.
Syno – Alleviate, Reduce, Diminish

5. Stimulate – Encouraging to begin or develop further

Ex – America’s priority is rightly to stimulate its economy.
Syno – Encourage, Motivate, Prompt, Prod

6. Rhetoric – The art of speaking or writing effectively to impress or persuade people

Ex – What is required is immediate action, not rhetoric.
Syno – Oratory, Eloquence, Pomposity, Bombast

7. Arouse – Evoke or awaken a feeling, response

Ex- We left in the daytime so as not to arouse suspicion.
Syno – Cause, Induce, Prompt

8. Gripe – To annoy someone by complaining about something persistently

Ex – It’s no use griping about your boss or your pay.
Syno – Irritate, Annoy

9. Souvenir – Something which you buy or keep to remind you of a holiday, place, event

Ex – The recording provides a souvenir of a great production.
Syno – Memento, Keepsake, Reminder

10. Beguile – Charming and attracting(Often in a deceptive way)

Ex – he beguiled the voters with his good looks
Syno – Charm, Attract, Enchant

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