Monday 12 October 2015

10 self study question with answer--2

Mixed English Quiz

Question 1
Direction: Out of the given alternatives you have to choose one which denotes the most suitable sense or meaning of the given idiom/ phrase/ saying.
The ruling party has been warned not to play to the gallery.
  to give importance to the common man
  to try to be clever
  to seek to win approval
  to side–track the issue

It's 'to seek to win approval '
Question 2
In the securities scam the national credibility was at stake
  on trial
  under pressure
  in danger

It's 'in danger '
Question 3
Direction: Pick out the most effective word/group of words from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
He always stammers in public meetings, but his today’s speech ________
  was fairly audible to everyone present in the hall
  was not received satisfactorily
  could not be understood properly
  was free from the defect

It's 'was free from the defect '
Question 4
He is so lazy that he ________
  cannot depend on others for getting
  cannot delay the schedule of completing the work
  can seldom complete his work on time.
  dislikes to postpone the work that he undertakes to do

It's 'can seldom complete his work on time. '
Question 5
Direction: Find out which part of a sentence has an error and the number of that part is your answer. If a sentence is free from errors, your answer is (D). i.e. No error
Banks were developed to keep people’s money safe (A)/ and to make it available (B)/ whey they need it. (C)/ No error (D).

It's '(B) '
Question 6
Based on the newspaper reports. (A)/ we can concluded that (B)/ many accidents caused by reckless driving. (C)/ No error (D).

It's '(C) '
Question 7
Direction: Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.
Study of insects

It's 'Entomology '
Question 8
A person in his seventies

It's 'Septuagenarian '
Question 9
Direction: Below are given alternatives to the bold part at (A), (B) and (C) which may improve the sentence Choose the correct alternative. Incase no improvement is needed, your answer is (D).
He can’t read this, nor can I.
  no, I never can
  no, I can’t
  no, I don’t
  No improvement

It's 'No improvement '
Question 10
I bought four dozen of mangoes.
  dozens of mango
  dozens of mangoes
  dozens mangoes
  No improvement

It's 'dozens of mangoes '

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