Thursday 8 October 2015

excretion exam--1


1. Reabsorption of useful substances from glomerular filtrate occurs in
(a) collecting tube
(b) loop of Henle
(c) proximal convoluted tubule
(d) distal convoluted tubule.

2. Brush border is characteristic of
(a) neck of nephron
(b) collecting tube
(c) proximal convoluted tubule
(d) all of the above.

3. Proximal and distal convoluted tubules are parts of
(a) seminiferous tubules
(b) nephron
(c) oviduct
(d) vas deferens.

4. Under normal conditions which one is completely reabsorbed in the renal tubule?
(a) urea
(b) uric acid
(c) salts
(d) glucose.

5. Nitrogenous waste products are eliminated mainly as
(a) urea in tadpole and ammonia in adult frog
(b) ammonia in tadpole and urea in adult frog
(c) urea in both tadpole and adult frog
(d) urea in tadpole and uric acid in adult frog.

6. Glucose is taken back from glomerular filtrate through
(a) active transport
(b) passive transport
(c) osmosis
(d) diffusion.

7. If excess water passes out from the tissue without being restored by the kidneys, the cells would
(a) burst open and die
(b) take water from the plasma
(c) not be affected at all
(d) shrivel and die.

8. Which one of the four parts mentioned below does not constitute a part of single uriniferous tubule?
(a) distal convoluted tubule
(b) collecting duct
(c) Bowman’s capsule
(d) loop of Henle.

9. A red blood cell was kept in a solution for a few minutes, where it got burst. The solution taken was
(a) hypotonic
(b) concentrated sugar solution
(c) isotonic
(d) hypertonic.

10. The ornithine cycle removes two waste products from the blood in liver. These products are
(a) CO2 and ammonia
(b) ammonia and uric acid
(c) CO2 and urea
(d) ammonia and urea.

11. In ureotelic animals, urea is formed by
(a) Krebs cycle
(b) EM pathway
(c) Ornithine cycle
(d) Cori’s cycle.
12. The basic functional unit of human kidney is
(a) nephridia
(b) Henle’s loop
(c) nephron
(d) pyramid.

13. A condition of failure of kidney to form urine is called
(a) anuria
(b) deamination
(c) uremia
(d ) none of these.

14. Concentration of urine depends upon which organ?
(a) Bowman’s capsule
(b) length of Henle’s loop
(c) P.C.T.
(d) network of capillaries arising from glomerulus.

15. Conversion of ammonia to urea is done by
(a) ornithine cycle
(b) arginine cycle
(c) fumaric cycle
(d) citrulline cycle.

16. If Henle’s loop were absent from mammalian nephron, which one of the following is to be expected?
(a) there will be no urine formation
(b) there will be hardly any change in the quality and quantity of urine formed
(c) the urine will be more concentrated
(d) the urine will be more dilute
17. A person is undergoing prolonged fasting. His urine will be found to contain abnormal quantities of
(a) fats
(b) amino acids
(c) glucose
(d) ketones.

18. The net pressure gradient that causes the fluid to filter out of the glomeruli into the capsule is
(a) 50 mm Hg
(b) 75 mm Hg
(c) 20 mm Hg
(d) 30 mm Hg.

19. In ornithine cycle, which of the following wastes are removed from the blood?
(a) CO2 and urea
(b) ammonia and urea
(c) CO2 and ammonia
(d) urea and urine.

20. Angiotensinogen is a protein produced and secreted by
(a) juxtaglomerular (JG) cells
(b) macula densa cells
(c) endothelial cells (cells lining the blood vessels)
(d) liver cells

21. A person who is on a long hunger strike and is surviving only on water, will have
(a) less amino acids in his urine
(b) more glucose in his blood
(c) less urea in his urine
(d) more sodium in his urine.

22.The basic functional unit of human kidney is 
A Henle’s loop
 B Nephron 
C Nephridia 
D Pyramid 

23.Ornithine cycle (also known as the urea cycle) refers to the sequence of biochemical reactions taking place in the 
A Urinary bladder 
B Liver
C Pancreas
D Stomach 

24.The Bowman’s capsules are found in 
A Cortex 
B Medulla 
C Convoluted tubule 
D Loop of Henle 

25.The hollow space at the centre of kidney where urine is collected after its formation is called 

A Renal pelvis 
B Glomerulus 
C Distal convoluted tubule 
D Urethra 

26.The lungs are important organs for excretion of 
A Ammonia 
B Water 
C Carbon dioxide 
D Urea 

27.The main nitrogen-containing waste excreted in urine is
 A Ammonia 
B Creatine phosphate 
C Nucleotides 
D Urea 

28.The muscular tubes which take the urine from the kidneys to the bladder are
 A Urinary bladders 
B Ureters 
C Urethras 
D Nephrons 

29.The principal nitrogenous excretory compound in humans is synthesised 
A In the liver but eliminated mostly through kidneys
 B In kidneys but eliminated mostly through liver 
C In kidneys as well as eliminated by kidneys 
D In liver and also eliminated by the same through bile

30.The process of dilution of urine takes place in 
A Distal tubule 
B Collecting tubule
C Loop of Henle
D Proximal tubule 


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